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文武大臣按文东武西由两侧门出入。Chiang by the Minister from both sides of the East-West gate access.

留有诗集一部,是住文武兼备的将军。He wrote a book of poetry, and he was a both civil and military general.

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东侧门供文武官员出入,西侧门供宗室王公出入。The east opening was for the ministers while the west opening was for the royal family.

她出任的高中是文武双收的有名高校御堂学院。She served as high school is the famous universities charge wenwu double royal hall college.

朕羡慕你,有这样识大体明事理,且文武兼备的儿子。I envy you for giving such a personable and astute son gifted in both cultural and military affairs.

据说这里是当年忠佑大王和他的文武大臣商议政事的地方。It is said that this is where the loyalty king and his ministers discuss the conduct of public affairs.

张益肇、李世鹏和朱文武博士讨论了研究院的相关项目,副院长宋罗兰概括了她的团队在高校与合作方面所进行的努力。Lolan Song, senior director of University Relations, outlined her team’s efforts in academic collaboration.

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其唱腔、舞美、服饰、化妆及文武场面等,都有其独特的风格。Their singing, choreography, costumes, makeup and other civil and military scene, has its own unique style.

唱词多为七字,传统伴奏乐器为四股弦琴胡,其它文武场乐器与河北梆子乐器相同。Other instruments used in the civil and military division are the same as those used in Hebei Clapper Opera.

第四章研究望城皮影戏的音乐,从常用调式、文武场面、音乐板式三方面来研究。The forth part discusses Wangcheng shadow play in terms of music in common mode, chiang plate and Music Plate.

现在,榔梅祠殿内供奉着武当拳的创始人真武、玉皇大帝、文武灵官等神像。Now the sound of temple-worship for the founder of Wudang boxing Zhenwu the Jade Emperor Chiang Lingguan and statues.

宋朝文武阶官往往是官高者名大夫,官低者名郎。Song is often the officer civil and military officials of high rank who were doctors, the lower official name of Lang.

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他们甚至认为,“中国文武制度事事于西人之上,独火器万不能及。”They even believe that "China's civil and military system, everything on the Westerners above firearms alone can not and 10000."

学校确定以“以德育人、文武育人、管理育人、服务育人、环境育人”的运行机制。The school has set the operational mechanism of "cultivating people by virtue, literacy and martialism, service and environment".

禅宗是主张坐禅的,而少林却将武术化进了禅的境界,一张一弛,文武独步天下!Zen meditation are advocated, and the Shaolin martial arts, however, and into the realm of Zen, a Yichi, Wenwu anywhere the world!

报告称船长为王富贵,26岁,和郑文武35岁,并称每条船上总共有17名中国公民。It named the captains as Wang Fugui, 26, and Zheng Wenwu, 35, and said each of the ships had 17 Chinese citizens on board in total.

国柱吃了文武兄弟烹调的两个招牌菜后很是满足,但亦奇异本人竟没有呈现过敏病症。GuoZhu ate wenwu brother cooking two signboards vegetables are satisfied after, but also singular I did not present allergic disease.

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文武百尊的法性,涵盖六道有情众生,是一切法界的真实显现。The nature of Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities covers all beings in the six realms and is the actual appearance of All Dharmadhatu.

自我修养的目标就是为了有适当的操行,文武方面都拥有较高和正统的素养。The spirituality of proper conduct is the subject of self-cultivation, one accomplished in the official arts of literacy and military prowess.

运用文献资料法和调查法对中国现代文武学校发展前景问题进行了研究。Based on lots of relevant documents and broad surrey, this essay studies the development prospect of the modern culture and Wushu school of China.