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外观和装饰。Look and décor.

巴克斯神庙外观。Exterior of Temple of Bacchus.

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外观正常的环状病损。The appearance of normal ring.

房屋入口处的天桥和阶梯外观。Exterior entry bridge and stair.

这座大楼外观很美。This is a fine-looking building.

那部车的坚固外观只是虚有其表。The car's sturdy appearance lied.

它赋予XP黑色与橘色结合的外观。This gives XP a black and orange look.

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为什么我们如此的关心我们的外观呢?Why do we care so much about appearance?

粉笔痕迹破坏墙壁的外观。Chalk marks deface the wall of the house.

接下来,您要输入外观的名字。Next, type in the name of the appearance.

时髦的外观及四面保护设计。Stylish and four-sided protection design.

顺发北京烧鸭皇的外观。Outlook of Soon Fatt Beijing Roasted Duck.

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例程编辑器有一个新的外观和感觉。The routine editor has a new look and feel.

您的前牙外观看起来就不会有太大的变化。You won't ever be without your front teeth.

在本例中,外观并不重要。In this example, appearance does not matter.

这会使应用的外观降级。That degrades your application's appearance.

仅仅作为一种自然现象,我扁我自己的个人外观。I am fasciated by my own personal appearance.

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别墅外观,游泳池可以看到海景。The infinity-edge pool has a view of the sea.

纤巧外观,手感舒适。Delicate appearance, comfortable hand feeling.

今晚我将和同伙在外观吃饭。Inom dinning out with my friends this evening.