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在订酒店旅馆前清问一下这几个问题A few questions to ask before booking your hotel

户户自扫门前清,全城自然就乾净。If each would sweep before the door, we should have a clean city.

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其次,我们应该使食物在烹调前清洁食物。记得煮熟食品。高中英语作文腺。Second, , we should make food clean before cooking. Remember to boil food.

7月29日,韩国首尔,士兵正在一座受损的公寓前清理淤泥。July 29, Seoul, Korea, soldiers are a damaged apartment before the desilting.

若是赛场中出现了钓饵,请在查察发轫前清算清洁。If there is bait in the ring, please have it cleaned up prior to the Malamute judging.

如果可以,购买有机果蔬,不剥皮的话要尽量在食用前清洗水果和蔬菜。If you can, buy organic and wash fruit and vegetables before eating unless your peeling them.

如果用户在广告期满前清除了广告,就只能得到部分费用。Before the expiration of the ad if the user cleared the ad, you can only get part of the cost.

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“我们来搬走她的东西。她的公寓必须在周末之前清空。”克劳迪亚解释道。"We came to pick up her things. Her apartment must be empty by the end of the week, " said Claudia.

介绍了坡口加工、焊前清理和上下塔对接施焊进程。Groove preparation, cleaning before welding and butt welding construction of ther tower were showed.

术后观察病人尿氮排出量的变化、血清清蛋白和前清蛋白水平。The levels of serum albumin and prealbumin and the excretion of urea nitrogen in urine were measured.

尝试在睡前清空所思所想,努力朝有助于睡眠的积极方面想吧。Try and clear your mind before bed time and make an effort to think positive thoughts that aid sleep.

气体等离子技术能够用于在引线键合前清洗焊盘以改进键合强度和成品率。Gas plasma technology can be used to clean pads prior to wire bonding to improve bond strengths and yields.

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如果您在建模阶段使用这些元素,您将必须在导出操作前清除自己的模型。If you used these elements during the modeling phase, you will have to clean up your model prior to exporting.

那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。"wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted like an old man's pigtail in manchu times.

使用前清洁双手,打开棒包,把缩阴液注入棒内6毫升左右,之后把细线输入推管内。Before use, open stick package, inject 6 ml intimate contraction liquid into barrel and push string into pushing tube.

电镀金刚石钻头镀前清洗是钻头生产的关键制造工艺。Cleaning on the surface of workplace before electroplating is an important procedure in electroplated diamond bits production.

那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。The imitation wool "wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted like an old man's pigtail in Manchu times.

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可没想到,草莽出身的沈虎占据整个北京城,并强抢前清肃亲王府的七格格玉融为妾。But she didnt know it, CaoMang was born ShenHu occupy the whole city, and strong before the prince mansion of seven space space can be jade concubine.

通过在DML更新前清除会话缓存,我们将时间缩短到了4分钟,全部都是将数据加载到会话缓存中花费的时间。By clearing the session cache before DML update, we cut the time to about 4 minutes, all of which is needed by the data loading into the session cache.

在前清末年,杂税从未超过正税的十二分之一,而在蒋介石的鼎盛时代,杂税竟高达正税的十倍!In the days of the decadent Manchus , the surtax had never exceeded one-twelfth of the land tax, yet in the days of Chiang's prosperity it was ten times!