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我们明知故犯地毁坏了一处可能的历史遗迹。We knowingly altered a Probable Historical Site.

明知故犯地走上那条道路是极其愚蠢的行为。Knowingly marching down that road would be insane.

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执着的最高境界,莫过于明知故犯了。The persistence of the highest level, knowingly passed the way.

他知道战争法和相关规定,显然他干那些犯法的事属于明知故犯。He knew the rules of the laws of war and quite clearly broke them and with knowledge.

我们不晓得知不知道,这种明知故犯,或是无知被人拖过去。Do we know if we are knowingly committing these offenses or unknowingly influenced others?

一个按规矩做事的企业不会如此轻易地让一两位明知故犯的员工给毁了。One rogue employee can't easily cause a crippling probe into an otherwise blameless company.

科学道德规范中的明知故犯不仅对个人,而且对社会构成严重的犯罪。Ethical misconducts in science constitute serious crimes against individuals as well as against society.

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他们当中有一派人,曾听到真主的言语,他们既了解之后,便明知故犯地加以篡改。Seeing that a party of them heard the Word of Allah, and perverted it knowingly after they understood it.

既然如此,并且如果欺骗是故意之为,那么自我欺骗就是明知故犯。If that is so, and if deceiving is an intentional activity, then one who deceives oneself does so knowingly.

不得收买自家兄弟妻妾为室。亦不得与之通奸。如有明知故犯者。死于万刀之下。Not buy his brother wives for room. Discontinue and adultery. If there are who knowingly passed. Die under million dollars.

可是有很多同学还是明知故犯,原因有很多,但我想,当中有很多人信奉“读书无用论”。But there are many still flout the law students for many reasons, but I think there are a lot of people believe in "useless study."

一些行人也明知故犯地乱穿越马路,最终不幸成为轮下亡魂。The pedestrian, too, knowingly jaywalks in the face of fast-moving traffic, tragically, many paid with their precious lives in vain.

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明知故犯的企业主管和个人,将被判处最高十年监禁和不封顶数量的罚款。Knowingly business executives and individuals, will be sentenced to the maximum number of ten years imprisonment and a fine of not capped.

我却还是,明知故犯的习惯了那份感觉,因为只有这样,我才有勇气继续余生。I was accustomed to commit a crime it knowingly, that feeling, because only in this way, I have the courage to continue for the rest of my life.

如果人指望念诵使自己免于所有明知故犯的罪恶反应,那么他就是最大的冒犯者。If a man thinks that chanting will save him from all kinds of sinful reaction deliberately committed by him, then he becomes the greatest offender.

我认为那个警察应该为他的明知故犯的错误行为向我道歉。I believe the police officer should apologize to me for what he knows he did that was wrong, ’’ Gates said in a phone interview from Martha’s Vineyard.

诉讼书中称,杰佩森明知故犯参加了在美国中央情报局计划利润,并提供了飞行计划和机组人员的支持,为航班。The lawsuit alleges that Jeppesen knowingly participated in the CIA program for profit, and provided the flight planning and crew support for the flights.

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星期叁,一个联邦法院正式对小詹姆斯‧丰德伦提起刑事起诉,指控他明知故犯地阴谋将机密情报传递给一个外国特务。A criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday in a federal court accuses James Fondren Jr. of knowingly conspiring to relay classified information to a foreign agent.

通过唱颂哈瑞奎师那,我们当然会免于所有罪恶反应,但这不意味着我们可以明知故犯,然后用念诵抵消。By chanting Hare Krishna certainly we become free from all sinful reactions, but that does not mean that we shall deliberately commit sins and counteract it by chanting.