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还会使哀愁的心儿唱歌。And make a sad heart sing.

哀愁却是坚强而耐久。But sorrow is strong and abiding.

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我的心满是哀愁。I was in a world of great sorrow.

即使爱只给你带来了哀愁,也信任它。Trust love even if it brings sorrow.

他的声音里有着多么难以形容的哀愁!What unutterable pathos was in his voice!

你的头发美丽而哀愁。就像你的灵魂。Your hair is beautiful and sad. Like your soul.

我重新哭泣爱情久已过去的哀愁。And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe.

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你的头发美丽而哀愁,就像你的灵魂。Your hair is beautiful and sad, just as your soul.

因此秋天的雨水是带着些许的哀愁的。Therefore, with the fall of rain is a slightly sad.

是谁如此甜美的嗓音将哀愁歌唱?What sweet voice does sing in such a woebegone tone?

当她听到答案是“不”的时候,一波哀愁占了她。When she heard say"no", a wave of sadness caught her.

羞涩的眼色碰上受潮的烟,倏忽,哀愁的眼孔通红。Those of black smoke came damp, suddenly, the guy red sad.

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只听那临风的鸟儿啾一声最后的哀愁。Just hear out the bird in the air twittering its chilly woos.

不再思索哀愁,一心只为欣赏秋雨的景色。Not thinking about sadness, only to enjoy the autumn scenery.

只有散文中透出的丝缕哀愁才能牵动我的神经。Only gives fully in prose of filar detailed sorrow to affect my nerve.

在万物的哀愁里,我听到了“永恒母亲”的柔声细语。Through the sadness of all things I hear the crooning of the Eternal Mother.

这棵树长在我的窗前,样子沉默而哀愁,我希望它继续活着。Tree growing on my window, like silent and sad, I hope it continues to live.

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只是,那时夜晚的黑幕遮蔽了离别的哀愁。Just, the sorrow of parting was camouflaged by the dark night at that moment.

永远不要轻言放弃,任由天数左右你的喜怒哀愁。Never resign yourself to letting fate run its course if it makes you unhappy.

天啊,我不小心,它打到你丁丁当当的脚镯上,引发了哀愁。Alas, I was not careful, and it struck your ringing anklets and came to grief.