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你看到草料场了吗?Do you see the hay field?

牛和羊依靠草料喂养。Cows and sheep depends forage to feed.

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他连他的马吃的草料都吝惜。He grudged his horse the grass it ate.

农工们为过冬贮藏了5吨草料。The farmers put up five tons of hay for the winter.

春耕之前我还得买些草料。Before spring plowing I need to buy some more fodder.

欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops.

不管怎样,这总是一种可以收割两次的草料。Moreover, it is an excellent hay, which can be cut twice.

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欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。European vetch much cultivated as fora ge and cover crops.

新来的牛在这里吃草料、哞哞叫、四处走动。There, the new arrivals ate hay, mooed and wandered around.

粮谷类草料、粗草料和秸杆,第16组,玉米除外。Grain, cereal, forage, fodder and straw group 16, except corn.

草白蚁科常称为草料蚁,是一种半沙漠种。The Hodotermitidae are a semi-desert species known as forage ants.

她是去田野和沟畔挖掘猪食的草料。She went to the fields and channels for digging the fodders for pigs.

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我应该养了19头,除了草料,每天都喂它们枣子跟核桃。I have 19 in total and I feed them dates and walnuts as well as grass.

妇女们排成一行行走,用自己的头部来运送一捆捆的动物草料。Women walkin a line, balancing packets of animal fodder on their heads.

非法移民工人是反移民领袖的丰盛草料,如Gov。Illegal workers are rich fodder for anti-immigration leaders such as Gov.

他们建造了草屋顶的小房子、草料库、一条道路,还有一座教堂。They built grass-thatched huts, feed-storage sheds, a road, and a church.

并且吩咐,在自己把草料全部卖给马贩子之前,请他们不要把草卖给马贩子。He told them not to sell any grass to the horse dealer until he had sold his.

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每一趟都从满满的柳篮卸下一小垛草料。Every time she discharged a small stack of fodders from the full wicker basket.

最后,对环境而言,草料油要远比任何来自地下的代用燃料好很多。And it is far better for the environment than any fossil fuel–based alternative.

最终他发现,以草料喂养的牛实际上要比粮食喂养的牛释放更多甲烷。He found that grass-fed cows actually produce more methane than the grain fed ones.