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啊,我觉得头昏脑胀的。Ah, I feel dizzy.

在地方之间周循使我头昏脑胀。I'm going from place to place.

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缺乏睡眠使她头昏脑胀。Lack of sleep had fogged her mind.

就是那念头把我弄得头昏脑胀。The very idea sets my head reeling.

看日程表就使我头昏脑胀。Look at my schedule make my head spin.

大量的数学作业搞得我头昏脑胀。A great number of math exercises make my head swim.

这里的人们似乎都习惯于令人头昏脑胀的噪音。The people here seem to be used to the dizzy noise.

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连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant.

它让我们反应迟钝,头昏脑胀,扰乱我们的睡眠。It takes away our edge, makes us groggy, and disrupts our sleep.

头昏脑胀的醉汉错把烟蒂当钥匙,却执信自己将钥匙当作雪茄抽掉了。"Well, I'll be damned! " said the drunk. "I must have smoked my key. "

湿气凝结导致大脑短路,你开始头昏脑胀。The condensation shorts the circuits to your brain, and you get all woozy.

即使他头昏脑胀,那么现在他也该向她道歉了。Even if he was disorientated then, he should apologize for his behaviour NOW.

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光是认识重要人物,就寒暄得头昏脑胀,不知所云。Awareness alone an important figure in the head on the exchange, incomprehensible.

林似睡非睡,腰酸背痛,头昏脑胀,心烦意乱,等着黎明的到来。Exhausted, nerves strained taut by a night of broken sleep, Lim waited impatiently for the dawn.

所有的标题把我弄得头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同。All the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was very different from that of what we usually read.

这样会降低你的血糖值,从而导致能量减少,精力无法集中以及头昏脑胀。It lowers your blood sugar levels, which can lead to decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, and headache.

所有的标题把我弄德头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同。All the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was quite different from that of what we usually read.

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天使把车筐子利的东西一股脑地都扔在了车后面,而且还把头昏脑胀的女孩也扶了进去。The angel scrambled the spilled contents of the bike's basket into the back seat and helped the stunned girl in after them.

每次我们考虑这问题,总会被汹涌而来的各种信息弄得头昏脑胀。With all of the information floating around out there, our heads were starting to spin whenever we looked into the subject.

所有的标题把我弄德头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同。All headlines make me virtuous and overwhelmed with work, the writing form of these articles is again with us the peacetime read aloud different.