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一条小溪,丹妮心想。A stream, Dany decided.

我心想“小忙”难不成要我免费劳动”我告诉她我的日程已经排的很满。I said I had a full schedule.

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他心想。And he thinks to himself,Hallo.

我心想,问得好,罗根。Good question, Rogan, I thought.

柯瑟琳心想,他的血都要流光了。He's bleeding out, thought Catherine.

苔丝心想,这场完了就该散场了。This surely would end it, thought Tess.

王冕看书,心想也着实明白了。Wang read, thought is truly understand.

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你心想,终于可以大吐苦水了!You think, at last, someone to talk to!

主啊,今天我怀着饥渴慕义的心想要更深入的知道祢!I hunger today to know more of You, Lord.

托比心想,“为什麽我的毛是毛绒绒的”。"Why is my hair so fluffy", thought Toby.

她不知道那是什么滋味,我心想。She doesn’t know what it’s like, I thought.

我的心想与钟声齐轻叹。My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies.

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他辞职了,心想,这样一来警察就找不到他了。He quit work so the cops couldn't find him there.

他心想,我有一分钱呢,一枚美元硬币。I have one cent, he said. It is an American coin.

马奇对他笑了笑,心想这个人实在是太幽默了。Madge smiled at him. The man was evidently a humorist.

我心想,他是怎么样知道念珠在那里的?Later on I thought, How did he know where the mala was?

我的心想唱出听到的每首歌每件事。My heart wants to sing every thing every song it hears.

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口说好话,心想好意,身行好事。Say good things, think good thoughts, and do good deeds.

“好丑的小鸭,”母鸭心想。"What an ugly little duckling, " thinks the mother duck.

生完三胞胎后,玛格达勒诺心想生孩子的任务算是完成了。After their birth, she thought she was done having babies.