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对嫉恨舞者的残疾呢?What of the cripple who hates dancers?

王涣生是身有残疾的年老人。描写。Wang Huansheng is a person with helpicap.

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他肯定没有老是想着自己的残疾。He certainly does not dwell on his handicap.

孤独症既是一种残疾,也是一种差异。Autism is both a disability and a difference.

毕业后,她曾担任残疾儿童教师。After graduation, she taught disabled children.

我认为尤其是那两位残疾运动员。I think in particular the two disabled athletes.

残疾人将需要残疾补助。The incapacitated will need disability benefits.

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这些杂种总在在某个方面有点残疾。These metis are always deformed in some fashion.

中国目前有8300万残疾人。China has 80.3 million persons with disabilities.

丝虫病并不仅仅只意味着丑陋,它还意味着残疾。”Filariasis not only disfigures, it also disables.

不允许虐待残疾儿童。Disabled children are not allowed to be ill-treated.

工作组是完全有可能是伪造她的残疾。It is entirely possible WG was faking her disability.

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几乎每五名美国人中就有一人有残疾。Nearly one in five Americans lives with a disability.

它们造成死亡和残疾,带来痛苦。They cause death and disability. They cause suffering.

这些视障学生当中的一些学生患多重残疾。Some students in the system have multiple disabilities.

非残疾儿童也欢迎加“u200b”u200b入这一阵营。Non-disabled children were also welcome to join the camp.

我们也遭受残疾--经常透过人类之手。We too suffer maiming at times, and often at human hands.

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克洛伊,14岁,是一名发育性残疾患者。Chloe, who's 14 years old, has a developmental disability.

雇用残疾人士的企业可以减税。Enterprises are entitled to tax cuts if employing invalids.

我很反感那种将孤独症视为一种残疾的看法。I resent the assumption that autism is simply a disability.