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切片器是成员集。Slicers are member sets.

这就是所谓的切片。This is called sectioning.

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使用值表达式的切片器Slicers Using Value Expressions

目前聚酯切片价格回调。Current pet chip price recalled.

目前聚酯切片价格震荡上调。Current pet chip price shock rise.

我想陪你做切片检查.I want to be with you for the biopsy.

请注意这些薄如纸张的白菜切片。Pay attention how thin the slices are.

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这碗汤里头加了红萝卜切片。Sliced carrots were added to the soup.

像专业人士那样切片也不用担心割伤。Slice like a pro without risking a cut.

鲩鱼肉洗净,切片,下腌料拌匀。Wash fish and slice. Mix with marinade.

医生在切片上发现了癌细胞。Doctors found cancer cell in the section.

把蘑菇和青瓜洗净后切片。Wash and sliced the mushrooms and cucumber.

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把该切片的表面用沙纸擦光。The surface of the slice is smoothed by sanding.

这是个集去苹果心、削皮和切片为一体的小装置。A doohickey is an apple corer, peeler and slicer.

切片蛋糕是否可以提供单片装的盒子?Can you pack the slice cakes in individual boxes?

冯·哈根斯正在展示一只鸟的横切片。Here, von Hagens shows a slice taken from a bird.

而肿瘤是经膀胱镜活体切片而确定之。The neoplasm was diagnosed by cystoscopic biopsy.

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这使对字节码的切片和切块变得容易。This makes slicing and dicing your bytecode easy.

任何一种切片程序皆无造成死亡。No deaths were attributed to any biopsy procedure.

这是爱因斯坦脑干的切片。This is the section of the brain stem of Einstein.