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问之其实已有十年之心律不整病史。He remarked 10-year history of arrhythmia.

该童之前并无水痘发生之病史。There is no previous history of chickenpox.

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结果显示,他们的那段历史是内翻足和脊柱侧弯的家族病史。It reveals a family history of clubfoot and scoliosis.

一个月前他被告知有肺结核病史?One month ago, he was told he had a history of Pul TB.

相关于是否有大便失禁的病史也应询问。Patients should be questioned about fecal incontinence.

最初的评估主要看你的病史。The initial evaluation focuses on your medical history.

婴儿,有沙雷菌脑膜炎病史。A neonate presents with a history of serratia meningitis.

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基于病史,本例最可能是血行性转移。Based on history, hematogenous metastases is most likely.

在整个过程中,他们都没有问及她的家庭或者个人病史。At no time did they ask her family or personal medical history.

这些人提供的既往病史可能是不准确的。People give an initial medical history that may not be accurate.

既往没有食道炎和胃炎的病史。There was on inducement and history of esophagitis or gastritis.

这个病人有库兴氏综合征和高血压病史。This patient presented with Cushing's syndrome and hypertension.

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陈医生,你能简要汇报下张先生的病史吗?Dr. Chen, can you give us a brief summary of Mr. Zhang's history.

病史较长的病人常合并睾丸炎。Orchitis was often complicated in the patients with long history.

他们没有一个有了了一个听觉的或神经学疾病的病史。None of them had a history of audiological or neurological disease.

仔细留意病史对于诊断是至关重要的。Careful attention to history is of ital importance to the diagnosis.

患者平均糖尿病的病史为9.则年。The mean duration of patient was diagnosed of diabetes was 9.94 years.

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根据家庭病史进行预测的老方法是一种更好的指导。The old-fashioned method of taking a family history was a better guide.

CRVO组病史较长,手术后视力改善较少。CRVO group had longer history and less visual improvement after surgery.

这可能是早期痴呆症的前兆,你知道咱家有这个病史。That could be an early sign of dementia. You know it runs in the family.