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投资者们不会去吸毒。Investors aren't dopes.

我希望能戒掉吸毒。I wish I could cut out drugging.

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吸毒人数甚至下降得更为明显。The decline in drug-taking is even sharper.

我兄弟从香蕉皮中体验到了吸毒后的快感。My brother had a natch trip on a banana peel.

他们也继续地酗酒、吸毒,并贪爱钱财。They have continued to be in love with money.

我想写一些关于吸毒成瘾的人的文章。I want to write about people addicted to drugs.

这家人最终对他们吸毒成隐的儿子死心了。The family finally gave up on their junkie son.

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加里吸毒后产生幻觉,非常难受。Gary freaked out and had a very hard time of it.

瘾君子到处潜行找个地方吸毒。The addict prowled about for a place to drug up.

日本女演员酒井法子面临吸毒指控,已获保释。Japanese actress freed on bail, faces drug charge.

生活在虚幻中,和吸毒没有区别。Live in the virtual has no diffence to drug abuse.

我确实喜欢过关于吸毒的种种刺激说法,但你不值得我这样做。I did love the buzz of you but you're not worth it.

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他的吸毒成瘾是他父母亲一大伤心事。His taking to drugs was a great grief to his parents.

吸毒、性病和多性伴等因素影响HIV-1感染过程。Drug abuse, abusive sex and STD affect HIV-1 infection.

这就是为什么有人把过量饮食比作吸毒。That's why overeating has been likened to drug addiction.

然后还有劳拉,十九岁,吸毒,但她把一家人团结在一起。Nineteen, and a junkie, but she holds the family together.

这本书旨在讨论吸毒引起的社会问题。The book aims at the social problem caused by drug-taking.

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人们总是敦促警察好好治治吸毒瘾君子。The police are always urged to crack down on drug addicts.

朗克被发现吸毒后,他的父亲便声明跟他断绝了父子关系。Frank's father disowned him when he was caught taking drugs.

吸毒成瘾使他走上犯罪的道路。His addiction to drugs propelled him toward a life of crime.