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双点背的枷锁。Two-point back yoke.

他们被套上了婚姻的枷锁。They are yoked in marriage.

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单点弯前的枷锁。One-point curved front yoke.

直底边和背部的枷锁。Straight hemline and back yoke.

让束缚脱开枷锁,释放创意。Let the constraints , set you free.

人们嚷嚷着要求解开枷锁。People clamored to be free of its yoke.

他们最后挺身而起,挣开枷锁。They finally rise up and burst their fetters.

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倾斜枷锁开始设计提供高扭矩。Canted yoke design provides high start torque.

教育的目的在于解除思想的枷锁。Education aims at removing fetters from the mind.

人是生而自由的,却又无往不在枷锁之中。Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.

他们被因袭主义的枷锁所束缚。They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism.

做一个大丈夫,鄙视那土耳其暴君的枷锁。Then manfully despising The Turkish tyrant's yoke.

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没有枷锁,没有仇恨,只有信念。Unchain your soul from hate, all you need is faith.

人民摆脱了暴政的枷锁,站起来了。The people rose, casting off the chains of unjust rule.

如果你拒绝受到它们的束缚,你就戴上了枷锁。If you decline to be bound by them, you put on shackles.

国王点了点头,把剑插回到鞘里,士兵们赶紧走上来开枷锁。The king nodded, sheathing his blade, and they hurried over.

突然间地把将你束缚在世上的枷锁折成两半。Which snaps in twain the shackles that bind you to the world.

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我无力的任由你摆布,淡漠的停留在你的枷锁你。Rest on your fetters faintly, I just have no courage to admit.

黑人依然悲惨的蹒跚于种族隔离和种族歧视的枷锁之下。By the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.

枷锁锦上添花似地得了18分,喇嘛从替补席上窜上来也得到了16分。Pau Gasol added 18 points and Lamar Odom had 16 in a reserve role.