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但是选好一个课题。But pick a topic.

吸引人的课题。Fascinating subjects.

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所以我对这个课题很有兴趣。So I am interested in that.

是党所面临的新的课题。It is a new lesson for the CCP.

我们面对的课题是永远学不完的!And we never run out of lessons!

这里面有些课题。But, there are some issues here.

来出英国经验的课题。Issues from the British experience.

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体育竞赛场平衡是个大课题。Arena balance is a really big topic.

描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

这段时期是研究者的研究课题。Hence the age of the research subjects.

我教学的内容也包括这一课题。Becasue that is one area where I taught.

结语部分对本课题研究所做的总结。Peroration is a summary of this research.

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吕特赫斯搞博士研究课题。W. Rutgers, in a Ph. D. research project.

这些都是本论文研究的课题。All of above are included in our research.

这是一个颇有趣味的课题That's interesting, a fascinating subject.

我想,这是一个非常有意义的课题。This is a very meaningful topic , I think.

本课题是围绕电视墙系统进行,并为之服务的。This project serves the video wall system.

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指示是语用学研究的一个重要课题。Deixis play an important role in pragmatics.

我的课题将是关于橘汁的。My project's going to be about orange juice.

老师都爱搞“课题研究”。Teachers like to give projects to their class.