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新轮胎!New tires!

加上轮胎印儿。Plus tire tracks.

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轮胎在卢雷。Tires in " Luray."

我的轮胎没气了。I have a flat tire.

我的轮胎没气了。I have a flat tyre.

保养你的轮胎。Maintain your tires.

我没有备用轮胎。I have no spare tire.

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轮胎没气了。The tyre has gone down.

这辆汽车的轮胎没气了。The car tires were flat.

前轮胎爆裂了。The front tyre blew out.

打算使用雪地轮胎。Plan on using snow-tires.

这里还有一个备用轮胎。There's a spare tire here.

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翻做我已经放了三个轮胎的气?I had pumped up three tyres.

亚视桨轮胎审查。Vehicle review paddle tires.

这车的一个轮胎掉了。The wheel of the car fell off.

轮胎式起重机是起重机的一种类型。Tire crane is a type of crane.

亚视鳄鱼轮胎审查。Crocodile vehicle tires review.

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今天早晨我的轮胎瘪了。I had a flat tire this morning.

我要给这些轮胎打打气。I'll have these tires blown up.

新的充气橡胶轮胎。New pneumatic tyres, of rubber.