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李鹏在花旦公司已经工作了一年多。Li Peng has worked for Hua Dan for over a year.

青衣花旦不用话筒。The Qingyi and Huadan will sing without microphone.

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扩大花旦的影响范围,提升品牌价值。Provide leadership in extending the reach and impact of Hua Dan's services.

与新的筹款协调员合作管理和维护花旦与捐赠方的关系。Manage relationships with funders in cooperation with new fundraising coordinator.

过去几个月的确显示了四川地区对花旦工作的需要。The last few months have really shown the need for Hua Dan's type of work in Sichuan.

花旦在四川的救援项目已经得到了大力支持。Hua Dan has already received a great deal of support for its relief efforts in Sichuan.

作为花旦的主要发言人需准确和清晰地倡导花旦的使命。Serve as Hua Dan's primary spokesperson—an articulate and visible advocate for the mission.

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花旦的中国项目负责人李鹏刚刚从四川峨眉回来,他说那边的情况依旧不尽如人意。Li Peng, Hua Dan's China Programme Manager has just returned from Ermei where he says the situation is still very sad.

花旦还与其他机构合作,共同促进人类进步和社会发展。It also works in partnership with other agencies concerned with the promotion of human well-being and community building.

马鹿乡一个从地震中幸存下来的小男孩说,花旦帮助他赶走了地震带来的梦魇。One small boy who survived the earthquake in Maluxiang said Hua Dan has "helped some of the bad feelings from the earthquake go away".

像近年来爆发的临时演员罢工潮,以及像佘诗曼等当家花旦北上发展等现象,都是此制度下的产物。As in recent years the extras outbreak strikes, as well as Charmaine Sheh headed figure for the development of such a phenomenon, it is the system of product.

花旦的工作地点在峨眉县的水磨中学,这里距震中汶川有7个小时的车程。这所学校里的孩子是从汶川搬过来的。The children in Shuimo Middle School in Ermei where Hua Dan is working have all been relocated from Wenchuan, the earthquake's epicenter, seven hours away by bus.

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除了种植较多的春季花卉如桃花、海棠、紫荆、玉兰、美人梅等已陆续开放外,2011年春季花展的“当家花旦”当数荷兰郁金香了。Among those blooming spring flowers such as peach, begonia, bauhinia, magnolia, beauty plum, tulip can be the most popular flower in the 2011 spring flowers festival.

花旦的妆容精致华美,一颦一语都体现出极具中国特色的女性魅力,这与我想要表达的主题思想相符。Hua Dan exquisite colorful makeup, a frown all the words reflect the great charm of women with Chinese characteristics, which I want to express the theme of the match.

花旦会持续性的给予花旦的员工相关的培训,并且有的时候需要员工到其它城市出差和做工作坊。Training is given as part of Hua Dan's ongoing staff development and staff are sometimes required to travel for short periods to other cities for training and workshops.

虽然开展工作室是具有困难和挑战的,但李鹏始终有信心将花旦的项目持续的开展下去,来帮助这些孩子修复情感,心灵上的创伤。As challenging as the workshops have been, Li Peng still feels confident Hua Dan's programme will go a long way in assisting these children deal with their emotional trauma.

花旦工作室主要是集中于支持很少有受教育和培训机会的打工子弟和农村儿童。Hua Dan's primary focus is to support youth and young adults among China's migrant and rural communities who have little access to high quality education and training opportunities.

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暨桃花、油菜花、梨花、樱花四大花旦闪亮登场后,“花王”牡丹也开始来抢夺市民的眼球了。Peach blossoms, canola flowers, cherry blossoms, these four great flowers glisten with the break of dawn, "the king of flowers" the peony also begins to steal the gaze of the locals.

感谢一些个人、团体大力的支持和孜孜不倦的努力,花旦才得以稳固,持续的开展在四川农村地区的复原项目。Thanks to the support and tireless efforts of a few key individuals and groups, Hua Dan has been able to firmly establish its long-term rehabilitation programme in the rural areas of Sichuan.

虽然镜头语言一直被公认为电影中的当家花旦,但影片中各种声音因素所带来的审美享受也是不可替代,不容忽视的。Although the language of lens has long been recognized as a main actor in a movie, the aesthetic enjoyment brought from each kind of sound factors in the movie cannot be substituted and neglected.