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人们自有公论。People have their fair judgment.

这在国际社会有目共睹,自有公论。This is evident in the international community, its own conclusions.

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还是吃不到葡萄说葡萄是酸的,这个大家自有公论!Not eat grapes or grapes that are sour, this we draw its own conclusions!

荻生徂徕则提出“公论”,强调“公”的领域在社会各个层面的重要意义。Ogyu Sorai raised "public moral theory", emphasizing its importance in every aspect in society.

国家健康部在一次“肥胖公论会“集合了关注肥胖的医生们。The National Institutes of Health gathered interested doctors at a "Consensus Conference on Obesity."

但是,至今尚无公论的关于这种缺陷成核机制的详细报导和理论解释。Howerer, up to date, almost no detailed studies of the nucleation mechanisms of introducing defects have been made.

关于莎士比亚的妇女观是新型的人文主义说,几乎已成公论。It is almost a universally acknowledged statement that Shakespeares depiction of women is of a new line of humanism.

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它是公众群体性一致的、共同的或者是有代表性的情感、态度、观点和决定。在内涵上它接近于传统的公论、公断、民心、民意等概念。It is the identical and representative standpoints of masses, and has a connotation similar to arbitration, mass verdict, common aspiration and popular will.

就音乐训练能否让你更聪明还没有公论,但是一些研究的确显示音乐课能提高幼儿的空间能力。There is no agreement yet on whether musical training makes you smarter, but some studies have indeed shown that music lessons can improve the spatial abilities of young kids.

对于此次事件的前后经纬及责任,国际社会自有公论,日方也是清楚的。The Japanese side knows very well about the causes and effects of the incident and the accountabilities, and the international community will have a fair opinion on the matter.

然而,玉米是中国原生植物还是引种作物,其在本土栽培的历史或引种传入中国的时间及途径等,至今还是未有公论、有待继续研究的课题。", "How about its cultivation history on native land"and "When and how was it introduced into China?" have hitherto no recognized answers and remain a subject for further investigation.

虽然随着考古发掘及研究工作的不断进行,对于车子起源、发展的认识不断丰富,但对西方车子的最早出现地仍未达成公论。Although archaeological excavations and research with the ongoing work, the origin of the car, continue to enrich understanding of the development, but the West's first car to reach a verdict yet.