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十双惊愕的眼睛齐刷刷地看着他。Ten pairs of startled eyes looked at him.

我们齐刷刷地从草丛里跳出来,咆哮着,淌着口水。We all jumped out from behind the bushes, roaring and slobbering.

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孩子们大声叫喊着,齐刷刷地把拳头挥向想象中的敌人。Yelling, the children jab their fists in unison at imagined enemies.

乡亲们齐刷刷的向后退了一步,于是刘胡兰就英勇就义了。All the villagers except Liu Hulan stepped backward unanimously, so she died a martyr.

我们的菜园在有了片刻的安静后,终于被蝉儿齐刷刷的啸叫声带向一个新的高潮。A moment after quietness, our kailyard at last began to be brought to a new high tide by cicadas' unanimous tweet.

车沿着山腰缓慢前行,雾渐渐浓了起来,齐刷刷的竹林都在雾中躲着猫猫,只露出一个个脑袋尖。The car slowly down the hillside, the fog gradually thick up, the uniform of the forest in the fog to hide and seek, only with a pointed head.

迪福凭借赛季初的惊艳表现入选了卡佩罗的新一届国家队名单,可是不解风情的媒体球迷竟然齐刷刷的把注意力转移到了欧文的习惯性落选上。Defoe has been called up to Fabio Capello's latest squad after an excellent start to the season but it was Owen's omission which received most attention.

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模糊的梦中我好像感受到不远处有强烈的震感,像是百千种健壮的动物齐刷刷地朝著同一个方向赶来,带著无穷轰轰声。I seem to feel fuzzy dreams not far strongly felt, like a heavenly animal species robust uniform came towards the same direction, with the endless roaring sound.

最后时刻,吉恩尽力向高蹦起来,可是一条腿仍被齐刷刷地撞没了,另一条腿也是血肉模糊,几乎没了。Gene jumped as high as he could at the last moment, but one of his legs was cut clean off at the knee and the other was so badly mangled he came very close to losing it, too.

你记得曾经在车库放了一百盒巧克力棒,只为卖掉给学校乐队添置新的制服,但它们却在五月一个温暖的春季午后齐刷刷地融化了。You remember storing a hundred cases of candy bars in the garage to sell so the school band could get new uniforms, and how they melted together on an unseasonably5 warm spring afternoon.