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我以手势示意他就座。I motioned him to a seat.

她以手势叫我进去。She motioned me to enter.

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他做手势要我安静。He signed to me to be quiet.

她用手势表示不赞成。She gestured her disapproval.

这个手势的手掌是朝里面的。That is a V with palm inwards.

就像是欧洲的竖中指手势一样。Like a middle finger in Europe.

“把照相机给我,”他朝我做着手势。Give me your camera, he beckoned.

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我习惯用手势来表达喜悲。I cheer and use hand to applause.

他试图用手势来传递信息。He tried to gesticulate a message.

他的手势比他的语言更具感染力。His manual signs outtell his words.

Rubaie做了最后一个仁慈的手势。Rubaie made a last gesture of mercy.

我看见有一个人用手势朝我们发出信号。I saw one making signs with his hands.

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其他的手势也可能有用武之地。Other gestures have potential as well.

我用事先安排好的手势作答。I answer with prearranged hand signals.

聋哑人用手势交际。Deaf-mutes communicate by their gestures.

警察做手势示意我们向前走。The policeman gestured for us to proceed.

当他讲话时,他像这样做手势。While he was speaking, he went like this.

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他一一做着手势,他们,他们的亲吻。He gestured toward them and their kissing.

她和3个兄弟玩看手势猜字谜游戏。She and her three brothers played charades.

整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。the whole scene was as unreal as a charade.