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景气状况周期性地出现。Booms run in cycle.

这种状况并不因你的善行而有所改变。That had not changed.

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成为戴绿帽者的状况。To make a cuckold of.

重新组织自己面临的状况。Reframe the situation.

但是这是自然状况。But it can be natures way.

这只是一钟可能发生的状况。That's a possibility, too.

他没法子应付那种状况。He couldn't cope with that.

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您的婚礼是什么状况?What was your wedding like?

她的婚姻状况是什么?What was her marital status?

班迪特似乎改变了这种状况。Bandit seemed to change that.

同时,南瓜的生长也依赖于天气状况。It is also weather-dependent.

呈文幸存者状况。Report condition of survivor.

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他的身体健康状况全优。He has a clean bill of health.

这里有很多交通堵塞的状况。There’s a lot of traffic jams.

你担心她的状况。You worry about her condition.

从那时起我们的发展状况如何呢?How have we evolved since then?

LPGA巡回赛争取改变这种状况。The LPGA fought to change that.

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这台引擎耗油状况完全正常。The engine regularly combusted.

CTE的赞成者希望这种状况有所改变。Advocates hope this will change.

我以为有什么紧急状况呢。I thought this was an emergency.