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在下班时间致电。Call during off hours.

你什么时候能下班?When do you finish work?

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你什么时候下班?When do you get off work?

他下班后累得拖着步子走回了家。He harled home after work.

oe什么时候能下班?When does Joe finish work?

下班了,你忙吧,拜拜。Work, and you're busy, bye.

提尔曼20分钟后下班。Tillman's off in 20 minutes.

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下班后去喝一杯怎么样?How about a drink after work?

下班去埔里的公车什麽时候来?When is the next bus to Puli ?

现在是我的下班时间!It's time for my off-the-clock.

下班渡船什么时候开?When does the next ferry leave?

我每天下班步行回家。I walk back after work everyday.

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索耶先生下班回家。Mr. Sawyer comes home from work.

刚下班后的黄金时间。The Golden Right-after-work Time.

下班到台中的车几点开?When is the next bus to Taichung?

工人们通常在5时30分下班。Workers usually clock off at 5.30.

下班后,司机拉姆赞回到家。After work driver Ramzan comes home.

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下班时,我都快累死了。I'm dead tired by the quitting time.

五时三十分是下班时间。Five-thirty is the time to clock out.

回到正题上来,我正下班回家。Anyway, so I was going home from work.