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这是真的,即使你是带假牙。This is true even if you wear dentures.

你把自己的假牙泡在咖啡里过夜。You soak your dentures in coffee overnight.

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我三十岁时就得装假牙了。I had to get false teeth when I turned thirty.

我不戴假牙,但我有一个清晰的家臣。I do not have dentures, but I have a clear retainer.

老太太咂咂嘴,“我在等他的假牙。”The wife snaps, "Because I'm waiting for the teeth! ""

我开车上班路上,假牙从窗户飞出去了。My false teeth flew out the window on my drive to work.

它说了我的假牙也很干净并善于品尝等。It made my dentures very clean and was good tasting as well.

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我不想要耀眼的灯光,假牙,门铃,房东。Don't want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords.

牙龈没有好之前,这几天先不要戴假牙。Don't wear your dentures for a few days until your gum has healed.

Chico说“好的,我上个学生有一副假牙。”" Chico then says "Well, my last student had a false set of teeth.

这两副假牙在阿克汉姆东边那个较靠南边的守卫塔上。These two sets are in the more southern guard tower of Arkham East.

材料制成,变硬后成为一个模子,用于制造假牙、镶嵌物或者塑料模型。A mold, as of a footprint, made for use in a criminal investigation.

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我的假牙还在上边呢!我在这附近掉了门钥匙。My false teeth are stuck to it. 491. I lost the door key about here.

白色的假牙被洛迪时尚称为“王冠”。Great White Dental Lab in Lodi fashions enamel teeth called "crowns."

我的假牙还在上边呢!我在这附近掉了门钥匙。My false teeth are stuck to it . 491. I lost the door key about here.

取下假牙,以免误吸入呼吸道。Remove the dentures, so as to avoid inhalation of the respiratory tract.

首先,假牙佩戴者应该确保正确地安装假牙。First, denture wearers should make sure that dentures are fitted properly.

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他的那副假牙丢了—他认为是在黑人舞厅丢的。He's all aflutter. Lost a plate of false teeth – at the Bal Nègre, he thinks.

也许现实就是亚麻色的头发,整过形的身体,棕褐色的皮肤和烤瓷做的假牙吧?Maybe reality is blonde hair, plastic body parts, tan skin and porcelain teeth?

你懂得吗?正常牙齿的表面的硬度是假牙材质硬度的20倍以上。Did you know? Natural tooth enamel is about 20x harder than the denture surface.