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学童辍学率也很高。The school dropout rate also is high.

据警方消息,他们都是逃学的学童。All were known to the police as truants.

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象学童终于发现题目已做错。As school-boys, finding mistake too late.

学童上网需要意见调查Survey on students’ needs on Internet access

学童是按年龄分组施教的。School-children are taught according to age groups.

任何一个学童都能告诉你,地球是蓝色的。As any schoolchild can tell you, the planet is blue.

哪一个美国学童没听过太空营?Which American schoolchild hasn't heard of Space Camp?

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图十三,体重控制前后测过重学童仰卧起坐次数之比较。Fig. 13. Effect of body-weight regulation on Sit-up test in.

图一,体重控制前后对于过重学童身体质量指数的影响。Fig. 1. Effect of body-weight regulation on BMI of overweight.

国小六年级学童有较高的偶像崇拜倾向。Sixth grade students showed higher idol glorification tendency.

学童走过布满渔船的马布多海边。School children walk past fishing boats in Maputo, June 27, 2007.

捐款是汇至受助学童个人手里、还是汇给所在学校?Are the aid money sent to the recipients directly or to the schools?

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直到最近,百分之六十的巴基斯坦学童处于碘缺乏的状态。Until recently, 6 in 10 Pakistani schoolchildren were iodine-deficient.

为什么天真活泼的学童如此经常地成为学校失败教育的产物?Why does a 1ively school child so often become a defeated school failure?

蒙爱教会于下午时段需要志工协助教会学童课后辅导。Meng -Ay Church is lack of volunteers to help students to do their homework.

两位学童于二零一零年八月三日在观看笔记型电脑萤幕。Two schoolchildren play on a laptop computer in this photo taken Aug. 3, 2010.

——他们就如是分开,老隐者和查拉图斯特拉如学童般烂漫而笑。And thus they parted, the old man and Zarathustra, laughing like two schoolboys.

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他刊登每一位捐赠者的名字,包括捐赠了几分钱的学童。He printed the names of every donor, including schoolchildren who donated pennies.

恢复行走之后不久,他开始在这个城市指导学童。Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city.

加强学童对时间的管理,以有效利用时间体验休閒。Two, strengthen school-children's management to time to experience leisure effectively.