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他是我的老相识。He is my old acquaintance.

他是我的老相识。He was my closest acquaintance.

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我们就好像是老相识般谈话。He is an old acquaintance of mine.

我敢肯定我的老相识们误解了我。I am sure that my acquaintances mistake me.

他们原来是老相识。It turned out that they were old acquaintances.

“就在老相识巴尼那儿吧,”我说,“有什么新奇的或者了不起的事吗,乔?”Barney mavourneen's be it, says I. Anything strange or wonderful, Joe?

他们俨然如老相识一样亲密无间地攀谈了。They conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance.

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连我自己都从没去他家拜访过,虽说我同他是老相识了。I've never even ventured to call on him at his own home myself, though I know him so well.

如果个老相识不再谋面或者某位老朋友不肯再接待他,他并不感到很伤心。When he missed some old face, or found some door finally shut to him, it did not grieve him deeply.

先说那只黑狗精,这东西和胡老四可以说算是老相识了。Say that black dog Jing first, this thing and beard are old four can say to be regarded as old acquaintance.

虽说这里来了很多新球员,我仍于贝特和麦克马洪这样的老相识保持联络。I still keep in touch with lads like Matty Bates and TonyMcMahon though there are a lot of new players there.

你有一个交流或商务联系一个老相识从另一个世界的一部分将会使你的笑容。A communication you have with an old acquaintance or business contact from another part of the world will make you smile.

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赵局长和法医门诊部的陈主任是老相识了,把丽丽的事交代了一下就和我出了医院。Director Chen Zhaojuzhang and forensic patient is an old acquaintance, Lili explain things a bit and I put on the hospital.

在隔壁房间里,伯爵夫妇正坐着恭敬地和修道院长谈话,院长是来看望这两位老相识和捐助人的。In the next room were the count and the countess reverently conversing with the superior, who was paying a visit to his old acquaintances and patrons.

几星期以后,到处旅行的杜洛埃刚从俄玛哈短程出差回来,在芝加哥街上遇到一个穿着华丽的女人,是他众多老相识之一。A few weeks later Drouet, in his peregrinations, encountered one of his well-dressed lady acquaintances in Chicago on his return from a short trip to Omaha.

有一次最难堪的刺激,却是他在友联俱乐部时一个名叫威尔•卫脱尼的老相识给他的——这是一个最残酷的刺激,就因它是来得最无心的。One of the worst stabs—it was the cruellest because, in a way, it was the most unintentional —he received from an old acquaintance, Will Whitney, at the Union Club.

我有足够的时间整理我的大衣,然后说,对不起,是老相识了,但别的借口似乎都迟了,因为他就在三英尺之外观察着另一项试验呢。I’ve got enough time to straighten my gown and say, Sorry, personal acquaintance, but any objection would seem belated, since he’s been watching the other exams from three feet away.

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这阵子,两家人的交往差不多又像秋季那样频繁,这是这些老相识中谁也不曾料到的事情。The intercourse of the two families was at this period more nearly restored to what it had been in the autumn, than any member of the old intimacy had thought ever likely to be again.