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请把卷子传上来。Please pass these papers back.

老师们正在给卷子打分数。The teachers are grading the papers.

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你交卷子之前核实一下你的答案。Check your answers before you hand it in?

出于好奇,她走过去看了卷子是怎么说的。Curious, she went over to see what the paper said.

他们会公布几年前的一些卷子,they will put up old exams from, like, years before

他在考试时偷看了他邻座的卷子。At the examination he peeped at his neighbor's paper.

他在入学做卷子题目测考题卷中成绩很好。He did Very abundance well in the entrance examination.

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直到最近老师才找到被藏起的卷子。Not until recently has the teacher found the hidden papers.

大多数情况下,教授们会公布之前的卷子,So, a lot of times what professors will do is they'll put up,

这才得知一些学生的卷子是过期试卷。It transpired some pupils were about to sit an out-of-date exam.

今天,我参加一个心理学课的考试,这是我考过的最难的卷子。Today, I was in my psychology class taking the hardest test ever.

我用我冷酷的怨恨的眼神看着他,把我的卷子盖了起来。I stared back at him with my hard, venomous eyes, covering my sheet up.

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男同学俯身看着女同学的卷子。The male student was leaning over to look at the female student’s paper.

你们都很聪明,用这份聪明做自己的卷子。You are all very intelligent. Use that intelligence to write your own papers.

老师告诉学生在考试中绝对不要偷看别人的卷子。The teacher told students on no account to peep at other’s papers during the test.

我至少做了40套卷子。这是你准备LSAT的最好办法。I have taken at least 40, I think, myself. And that's the best thing that you can do.

休息十分钟后老师开始讲解刚才做过的卷子。After a ten-minute break, teachers begin to go over the practice tests that we just finished.

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监考老师一声令下,同学们马上开始做卷子。After the supervisor declared the start of the test, all the students got right down to writing.

两个钟头到了,教授收卷子,学生们填好姓名学号,交上去。After two hours, the professor called for the exams, and the students filed up and handed them in.

我问她我可不可看看卷子,她说,不行,要是给我看卷子她就触犯了法律。I asked if I could see the paper, and she said, no, it would be against the law for her to show me.