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你必须有仆人的心志。You must have a servant's heart.

不断的压力将使心志衰退。Constant pressure atrophies the mind.

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自我牺牲是仆人心志的核心。Self-denial is the core of servanthood.

真仆人以同样的奉献心志实行每个任务Real servants do every task with equal dedication.

感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你心志。Appreciate the person who disciplined you, for chastening your mind.

使莎士比亚的自我主权心志,遭到了綦重繁重榨取。So that Shakespeare's own sovereignty will, Been a heavy Oppression.

天没降大任于我、照样苦我心志、劳我筋骨。Day didn't drop responsibility on me, so I mind, the bitter bones, I.

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心志会臣服于我们自定的法律,但精神却永不屈服。It is the mind that yield to laws made by us, but never the spirit in us.

耶稣教导我们,移山跟我们做事的决心,或心志没有关系。Jesus teaches us it's not about our determination or will to do something.

通过仪式或礼拜,他的心志完全投入到更高的意识状态。Through ceremony, or puja, he focuses his mind to a higher state of consciousness.

无论哪一种情况,当你愿意按需要去服事时,你就是在培养仆人的心志。Either way, you develop a servant's heart when you're willing to do anything needed.

你的特色显明你的事工,而你的仆人心志则展现你的成熟度。Your shape reveals your ministry, but your servant's heart will reveal your maturity.

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这一切,与早于他一千多年的杜甫遭遇的相近、心志契合。All this, and as early as 1000 in his many years of experience is very similar to Du Fu.

当人们对待我们如同仆人时,我们如何回应可以检验出自己是否有仆人的心志。We can measure our servant's heart by how we respond when others treat us like servants.

此种相似与关聯是否为艺术家之「比德」或为其心志之「投射作用」?Is this related to the contest of virtues among the artists or simply a projection of their mind?

纪念碑高35.5米,是为纪念1871年德心志统一帝国而制作的。The monument is 35.5 meters hellogh, unify the kingdom and build for commemorating 1871 in Deutsche.

这一类书籍会闭塞自己的聪明智慧,败坏自己的心志和取向。Such books can block my intelligence and wisdom, and will undermine my aspirations and sense of direction.

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无道口吐猛火,问天眼看不敌,丁瑶再次吹起仙笛,又令无道心志大乱!No spitting fire, seeing him road, DingYao once again blow not immortal flute, and make no word mind chaos!

当神安排有需要的人在你眼前,他乃是给你机会,让你在仆人的心志上成长。When God puts someone in need right in front of you, he is giving you the opportunity to grow in servanthood.

人类知识文明的精致化,残害了人类内在的德性,而教育又淹没了人们的心志。Refinement of knowledge of human being hurt innate virtue of human while education covers nature of human being.