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对于再生障碍性贫血。Aplastic anemia.

利用再生纸。Use recycled paper.

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也是不可再生的。That is not recycled.

而且不会再生。And they do not regenerate.

她不会冒险再生孩子的。She would not risk another.

我应该再生一个小孩吗?Should I have another baby?

人体自身再生。The body regenerates itself.

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你可以再生一个孩子。You can have other children.

卫生再生自己。Health regenerates on its own.

我不再生玛西亚的气了。I am not mad at Marcia any more.

它是印在再生纸上的。It is printed on recycled paper.

煤炭是不能再生资源。Coal is an unregenerate resource.

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蝾螈的肢体可以再生。Newts can regenerate their limbs.

香石竹再生体系的建立。Regeneration systems of carnation.

加速神经再生。Acceleration of nerve regeneration.

我有一种再生之感。I feel as if I had been born again.

龙虾能使失去的肢体重新再生出来。Lobsters can reproduce a lost limb.

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改变之后的棕色组织不会再生。The brown tissue never regenerates.

使用可再生能源。Swtich to renewable sources of energy.

利用旧瓶子可以再生玻璃。Glass can be recycled from old bottles.