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我用盘算器算出开支的总金额。I totaled my expenses with a calculator.

我盘算购件特大号的绿裙子。I like to have an extra large green skirt.

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不过,这可能与马可士心中盘算的不同。But this may not be what Marcos has in mind.

你发现他们肯定在盘算什么别的事。You can tell that they are thinking about something else.

我盘算着拍这部纪录片得花多长时间。I asked myself how long doing this documentary could take.

在一个孩子横死之后,内心的盘算会变得更加阴晦。After a child's violent death, the calculations are murkier.

上次我见到她的时候,她正盘算着要休个假。The last time I saw her, she was planning to have a holiday.

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我仍在心中盘算是否让你独自出国。I'm still debating with myself whether to let you go abroad alone.

现在,奥奇古正盘算着买一辆二手车,做出租车的生意。Now he's thinking of buying a used car and turning it into a taxi.

我盘算着谁和谁是一对,例如像娽和约拉那样的。And I figured out who was with whom, like Lú and Yola, for example.

校方激励学生练习应用盘算机。The school encouraged the students to practise using the computers.

我心里正盘算着把我女儿嫁给他呢。I was just toying wit the idea of marrying my daughter off with him.

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劫犯一直在盘算着如何抢劫银行然后安全逃脱。The robbers were calculating how to rob the bank and get away safely.

我相信她一定是彻夜不眠地盘算着如何残忍地折磨我们。I believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.

我心里正盘算着把我女儿嫁给他呢。I was just toying wit the idea of marrying my daugusthter off with him.

我们需要勒紧裤腰带,仔细的盘算计划,那是因为我们的未来寄希望于此。We need to tighten out belts and make plans for the future based on it.

在遭破坏地甲板得颈部,盘算者检查啦这张不透明支票。At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.

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我正在盘算着哪天开一个新年聚会。I’ve been trying to figure out when we should have the New Year’s party.

他咬牙切齿,在盘算如何毁灭敌人的遐想中打发时光。Thinking only of some utter destruction and disaster, he bided his time.

他在街头游来荡去,想了又想,盘算了又盘算。He wandered along the street ,thinking and thinking brooding and brooding.