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我会再下次放幻灯片时重播And I will back the other slides.

你第一次看到这张照片时什么情形?How did you first see this picture?

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抱着手躺卧片时。Embrace to begin the lie-down slice.

你第一次看到这张照片时什么情形?Q.How did you first see this picture?

我往前飞飞过一片时间海。Flying forward, I fly over a sea of time.

在播放FMR影片时会显示鼠标移动。Displays mouse movements when the FMR movie is run.

据悉,这部纪录片时长90分钟。It is reported that this 90-minute long documentary.

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在拍摄这类照片时也要做好被溅湿的准备。Also be prepared to get wet when taking these kinds of shots.

收集卡片时,要把它们按字母排序并进行分类整理。As the cards are collected, they are alphabetized and sorted.

这样使用户在阅读文本、图片和照片时更清爽明快。That should improve the crispness of text, images and photos.

此选项只有当您选择裁切图片时启用。This option is enabled only when you choose to crop the image.

谷歌在更新图片时,将保留这些经模糊处理的区域。When Google updates its photos, these blank spaces will remain.

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改进了一些SDHC卡存取照片时的稳定性。Improved stability of recording image for some SDHC Memory card.

这点经验是我在惠普公司设计计算器芯片时就烂熟于胸的.This point I'd well learned in designing calculator chips at HP.

当我们删除幻灯片时,我们将重新编排每个幻灯片的位置。When we delete a slide, we will rearrange each slide's position.

聆听本片时,愉悦的音乐奇想将丰富你的心!Musical reveries abound when listening to this delightful homage.

因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片时。It was a steep climb, so we rested for a while halfway up the hill.

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在制作这辑图片时,我惊异地发现自己感动不已。When composing this entry, I was surprised to find myself so moved.

在理论上该算法的时延估计可以达到一个码片时间的精度。In theory, this algorithm can achieve the accuracy of one chip time.

如果你对模糊很敏感,可以在处理照片时对其进行修补。You can fix blurring in the processing stage if you watch out for it.