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这是由于过度放牧造成的。It's caused by overgrazing.

如一朵小花放牧艳红!Grazing red such as a flower!

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我将利用低洼地放牧。I shall graze the bottom field.

图为春季大角羊被放牧到草场上。Bighorn sheep browse on spring grass.

牧民可能想要电篱笆以围住放牧区。I can take up to four people in my car.

这人放牧八十来只羊。The man looks after about eighty sheep.

你应放牧你的羊群到河的这岸。You should graze your flock on this side.

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这一问题的关键在与如何看待放牧管理。The key is how grazing animals are managed.

放牧牲口同样伤害草原。Grazing livestock destroy grassland as well.

试验地用于绵羊的连续放牧。The pasture was continuously grazed by sheep.

为了卖而进行放牧牛或羊的牧场主。A rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market.

放牧强度影响羯羊体重。Herds the intensity influence wether body weight.

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然而,每英亩放牧牧畜数的增加只是单面的受益。However, more cattle per acre is just one benefit.

放牧使CO2释放速率降低。Heavily grazing make arte of CO2 release decreased.

我们每年在高地牧场给我们的羊群作夏季放牧。Our sheep are summered in high pastures every year.

禁止在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧。We should put the alloy apart for a particular purpose.

他们在放牧的时候纺羊毛线打发时间。They grazing people are spinning wool line to kill time.

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利用长期轮作草场进行早期放牧是不切实际的。It is impracticable to go for early bite from longer leys.

大约一半的人在针叶林山上放牧驯鹿。About half a are reindeer herders up in the Taiga mountains.

客居异乡的瑞士人听了放牧调会引起强烈的思乡之情。On hearing it, those Swiss living abroad will feel homesick.