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坏书有极大害处。Bad books do great harm.

这种情况有什么害处吗?Is there any harm in this?

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难道说善的事物就没有害处?And no good thing is hurtful?

他觉得读那本小说没什么害处。He thought no harm in reading that novel.

仅仅一点点的含铅量真的有害处吗?Is just a little bit of lead really harmful?

这一趋势本来对卫生并无害处。This trend is not inherently bad for health.

这种现象的害处是不言自明的。The harm of such a phenomenon is self-evident.

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我们必须重新核对这些数字,那是没有害处的。It is no harm that we have to recheck the figures.

发言人正在猛烈抨击喝酒的害处。The speaker was inveighing against the evils of drink.

我看不出让孩子们看这些书有什么害处。I see no harm in letting the children read these books.

我们得听一个关于酗酒害处的冗长报告!We had to listen to a peroration on the evils of drink!

这些电影对这么小的一只狗也有什么害处吗?What harm could the movies do to a little dog like this?

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她母亲就赌博的害处规劝她。Her mother expostulated with her about the evils of gambling.

这个问题的“害处”尚难以界定、衡量或对抗。The “harms” at issue are hard to identify, measure, and resist.

白酒中的杂醇油和醛类含量过多也有一定害处。The liquor fusel oil and aldehyde content also have too much harm.

但毫无疑问,过量生成活性氧会有害处。But there's no doubting that producing ROS in excess can be harmful.

购买那些无毒害的清洁产品和利用那些天然的害处可控的方法来消灭害虫。Shop for non-toxic cleaning products and organic pest-control solutions.

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黑色素可以帮助身体过滤紫外线,但它也有害处。Melanin helps the body filter out UV radiation, but it also can be harmful.

难道她以为那只是不让她去享受那毫无害处的快乐吗?Could she think it was to deny her a pleasure that she might harmlessly enjoy?

这个方法对大宝宝更有效,但是无论宝宝大小,这个方法都是没有害处的。This is more effective with older babies, but it can't hurt to try at any age.