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另外一个文化馆。Another culture house.

另外我的丈夫是一个数学奇才。My hubby is a math wiz.

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另外一种约束是孤立系统。We could have isolated.

另外你的烤土豆……And your baked potato...

好了,来说说另外一些事宜。OK. Other administrivia.

另外,你提供烘好的水果也是可以的。Offer dried fruits, too.

另外,它太好喝了!Plus, it’s so delicious!

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明天是另外的一天。Tommorow is another day.

另外,这是我的座位。Besides, this is my seat.

另外,我也有耐心。I had patience back then.

能不能另外给你买一条呢?Can I get you another one?

元霄有另外的名字吗?Has Yuanxiao another name?

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这是另外一个,啊哈!Here's another one. Ah-ha!

出现了另外一些子选项卡。Additional sub-tabs appear.

他把另外半杯也喝了下去。He drank another half -cup.

数个词另外还有那种用途?How else is this word used?

好的,你有另外的拍吗?OK!Do you have another bat?

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另外,这里的熏香肠也很不错。The cervezas are good, too.

打市内电话需不需要另外加钱?I want to make a local call.

另外,还有一位叫科里的明星参演了这部电影。Plus, one of the Corey guys.