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人的七情六欲,都隐藏在乱发遮掩的脑袋里。We conceal our feelings and desires in the head with untidy hair.

人有七情六欲,情不顺欲不达则悲生。People have emotions, feelings did not ring true To reach the grief of Health.

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那些经常板起脸孔,好像没有七情六欲的人,自有他的逍遥自在。Kong, who are often flooded, it did not release the person, his own Fly comfortable.

大妹见状,立即现身阻止,擎天却已经没有了凡人的七情六欲。Big sister said, who stopped immediately, giant has already did not have the mortal desires.

沉迷在七情六欲中,他发现自己陷在一张越收越紧的罗网中。Wallowing in his passions, he had found himself in a net which kept drawing tighter about him.

当心遨游的机会被局限,七情六欲就会混乱而失控。If deprive the mind's opportunity of roaming, it will incur emotion disorder and out of control.

想要所有人知道我那些卑微的七情六欲,所以我提起了笔。I want everyone to know those humble pen so I brought the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures.

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人的七情六欲注定着人是逃不过沉默、孤独与悲伤。People of the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures to people escaped the silence, lonely and sad.

所以真正的世尊门徒,他们是连天都不愿去的,因为天上仍有程度不同的七情六欲。Therefore, real disciples of Buddha even are reluctant to go heaven because there still are weak various desires.

然而,罗贤哲的哥哥怀疑性丑闻真的导致了他的背叛,指出他是一个忠诚的佛教徒,能把持住七情六欲。Lo’s brother, however, said he doubts that sex led his sibling astray, noting that Lo was a devout Buddhist and could “control his desires.”

没有硬销人性的七情六欲,人生最戏剧性最荡气廻肠的片段,就在最平常的日子里。Never bombasting the audience with melodrama, his works testified that life's most vivid moments were discovered in the most ordinary of days.

人有七情六欲。喜、怒、哀、乐、忧、思、惊是人常有的情感反映。People has lots of emotions d. Hsoftwareiness frustrine sofferness and joy worry thought expression is cnosled soft skills sentiment reflected.

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因为他不具人的七情六欲,所以世俗的对、错、好、坏、善、恶等都对他不具约束力。Since he has no passions and desires in his mind, the worldly rightness and wrong, good and badness, kindness and evilness can no longer bind him anymore.

两部影片的最后,主人公们都完成了自己的使命并大获全胜,但只有一位木兰在谢幕时,如同神仙般抛却七情六欲,想必这正是马楚成导演所期望的。In the end, both characters carry out their and achieve victory–but only one comes away looking like a god. Which is exactly how Ma the director planned it.

两部影片的最后,主人公们都完成了自己的使命并大获全胜,但只有一位木兰在谢幕时,如同神仙般抛却七情六欲,想必这正是马楚成导演所期望的。In the end, both characters carry out their mission and achieve victory–but only one comes away looking like a god. Which is exactly how Ma the director planned it.

苦行实践,需要新手们在长达数月的旅途中不带任何食物和水,甚至不能睡觉。生存下来的那些人将脱胎换骨,不再受花花世界的七情六欲所影响。Ascetic practices require initiates to go without food, water and sleep for months at a time. Those who survive emerge unmoved by the petty distractions of the physical world.

人是有七情六欲的,人是有私心杂念的,大多数人都是感性的,所以在你伤心难过的时候,不必瞧不起自己,看低自己,每个人都有他脆弱的一面,只不过每个人的排解方式不同。Most of us are sentimental, so when you are in agony, do not look down upon yourself. You should harbor in mind that every one has a fragile side in heart and has different ways to drain it away.