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能燃烧你眼中的火光熊熊?Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

他的眼中盈满了泪水。Tears brimmed up in his eyes.

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美存在于凝视者的眼中。Beauty is in the eyes of gazer.

在你眼中我只是个普通人。I am just a zilch in your eyes.

看见你眼中的冰冷坚石。See the stone set in your eyes.

你眼中有一言半语!There's something in your eyes!

眼中却是一片鲜血淋漓。But his eyes were also bleeding.

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泪珠从她的眼中滴出。The tears tickled from her eyes.

而她的眼中却闪烁着愤怒的火光。Zuleika's eyes flash with anger.

他朦胧的眼中闪出骄傲的光芒。He flashed pride from filmy eyes.

在鲁迅的眼中,时间就如同生命。In Lu Xun's eyes, time is a life.

这就是我眼中的杨善洲。This is Yang Shanzhou in my eyes.

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在他们眼中,这都是出于群众情绪。To them it was mass emotionalism.

她的眼中闪现出一丝阴郁的目光。Her eyes flashed a shading glance.

他的眼中露出了贪婪的目光。His greed looked through his eyes.

他的眼中露出了高兴的神色。His joy showed itself in his eyes.

你的生命在上帝眼中是珍贵的。It is precious in the eyes of God.

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那粒灰尘已从我眼中除去了。The piece of dirt is out of my eye.

我的孩子是我眼中的瞳人。My children are the apple of my eye.

这里就是但丁眼中的地狱。This is a Dante-like vision of hell.