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给眉毛粘出小小的眉峰。Eyebrows glued up into tiny peaks.

北野烈的眉峰,顿时更是皱紧。North the wild strong eyebrow Feng is quickly extra wrinkly tight.

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利用眉刷,由眉头向眉峰的位置,将眉毛梳顺。Using a brush, comb brows in the direction from the front to peak.

眉峰应当在眼睛平视时,你眼眸外缘的上方。While in the eye when eyebrow peak shall, on the top of the outer eyes.

这能防止你过度修眉而破坏你自然生长的眉峰。This prevents you from creating an over-manicured shape and ruining your natural arch.

再从眉峰处开始,顺着眉毛的生长方向,斜向下画至眉梢,形成下降的弧线。Then draw downward from eyebrow top to ti of eyebrow following growth of eyebrow to form a downward arc.

使用刷头从眉腰开始入手,顺着眉毛的生长方向,描画至眉峰处,形成上扬的弧线。Brush eyebrow powder from "eyebrow waist" to eyebrow top following growth of eyebrow. Draw a lifting arc.

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再从眉峰处开始,顺着眉毛的生长方向,斜向下画至眉梢,形成下降的弧线。Then draw downward from eyebrow top to tip of eyebrow following growth of eyebrow to form a downward arc.

马库斯站在那儿停住了,困惑地眨了眨眼,然后站出来,抿着嘴抬起眉峰无如地看着她。Marcus froze where he stood, and after a couple of hard blinks, he stood up and eyed her with pursed lips and raised eyebrows.

霍桑皱着眉峰,把烟灰弹击了些,静默地吸烟,室中忽而沉寂起来。The Huo mulberry is wrinkly eyebrow Feng, play the shot to the cigarette ash some, silently smoke cigarette, momentarily dead silent in the room.

例如,由宽下巴和上扬的眉峰等组成的男性化面部特征会让人觉得不友好、不愿意合作。For example, the combination of masculine features, large chins , and dominant brow ridges can create an impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling to cooperate, Little said.

例如,由宽下巴和上扬的眉峰等组成的男性化面部特征会让人觉得不友好、不愿意合作。For example, the alignment of manly traits, colossal chins, and dominating lineament ridges tin build one impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling apt cooperate, Little said.