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这儿有谁愿意自居化外,不愿做一个罗马人?Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman?

任何大党或老党都不能以最高发言人自居。No big or veteran party can pose as the supreme arbiter.

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“你何必以乔布斯的学生自居?”,方舟子问道。"So how can you call yourself a Jobs student," Fang asks.

他们以雕塑家自居,而孩子就是手中那团湿湿的粘土。Kids are like wet clay, in this view, and we are the sculptors.

一些品牌以汽车旅馆自居,尽管他们并不提供停车场。Some are branded as motels, even though they don't offer parking.

我当然以无辜者自居,但坎塔梅萨告诉我不要那么说。I certainly feel like a victim but Cantamessa told me not to say that.

忽然间浮现在脑海里的任何答案,不论是否有充分依据,听起来都是像在以恩人自居。Suddenly any answer that came to mind, valid or not, sounded patronizing.

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在一块来自居鲁士统治第一年的写字板上,冈比西斯被称为巴别的国王。On a tablet dated from the first year of Cyrus, Cambyses is called king of Babel.

内贾德式的以救世主自居的看法在伊斯兰世界很普遍。A messianic vision such as Mr. Ahmadinejad's is rife in much of the Islamic world.

国人不仅在海外大肆摆谱比阔,而且干脆以“阔佬”自居了。Not only in our overseas than wantonly across wide, but simply to "generous" itself.

他们以造云者自居,并坚持“建筑必须燃烧”的信念。They claim to be cloud maker, and adhere to the faith that" Architecture Must Blaze".

我告诉马瑞利在工作当中应该以老板的身份自居而非母亲,奶奶或者妻子的身份。I told Marilyn that she needed to be the boss at work, not Mom or Grandma or Sweetheart.

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中共一向以社会福利事业的带头人自居,然而这次却是私人援助。The Communist Party likes to be seen as society’s main benefactor, but this is private aid.

这些以忿恨为基础的综合征忠实地反映出本.拉登的以救世自居的性格。This resentment-based syndrome certainly closely resembles bin Laden's messianic character.

你是淑女,而且窈窕,而我一向以正人君子自居,理当求之。You are a fair lady, and engaging, but I always with gentleman from reside, should be beg it.

这样的结论对于一向以礼仪之邦自居的中国人来说冲击是很大的。This conclusion is itself always of ceremonies of the Chinese people, the impact is significant.

而一直以“小市民”自居的池莉,则在对武汉的书写中表现出一定的认同。But Chi Li who considers herself to be"petty bourgeois"displays certain sympathy in Wuhan writing.

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史玉柱以“骨灰级玩家”和成功游戏策划者自居。Shi Yuzhu with " player of class of ashes of the dead " with pose as of successful game machinator.

在真理和认识方面,任何以权威者自居的人,必将在上帝的戏笑中垮台!In terms of truth and knowledge, any person in authority itself, will collapse in God's drama laugh!

正因为懒惰与懦弱,别人便得以轻而易举地以看护人自居。It is because of laziness and cowardice that it is so easy for others to usurp the role of guardians.