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在马棚的里面是黑暗的。It was black inside the barn.

我们这是在一间马棚里过夜。We are in a barn for the night.

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他命令奥利弗走出马棚。He ordered Olive out of the barn.

马棚已铺上新稻草了。Whoosh! The straw house falls down.

农民把马拴在马棚里。A farmer keeps his horses in a barn.

我会告诉那小孩子把你的马都赶到马棚里。I will tell the boy to get your horses in.

霍布森先生在英国剑桥拥有一个马棚。Mr Hobson owned a stable of horses in Cambridge, England.

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士兵们把教堂当作马棚,是对教堂的亵渎。The soldiers violated the church by using it as a stable.

这是圣经中唯一一处证明基督是在马棚里出生的经文。This is the only indication that Christ was born in a stable.

我们每天晚上到马棚来喂马。We come to the stable to rack up the horses in the evening every day.

那个地区还保留着一些老的乳牛场和很大的有五十个马厩的马棚。Some of those old dairy barns and the big, fifty-stall horse barns are still here.

早期传统认为那是一个洞穴,可能被用作马棚,是卑微的标志。Very early tradition suggests that it was a cave, perhaps used as a stable, a mark of lowliness.

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他们只能带走离马棚的门最近的马,否则,就别带走任何一匹马。They could take the horse that was nearest the stable door. Or, they could not take any horse at all.

我们原以为托比胆小,但当他把小马驹从着火的马棚里抢救出来时,我们看到了他的本色。We thought Toby was timid, but he showed his colours when he rescued the ponies from the burning barn.

而且,就在我们刚要到家的时候,它差点儿把我们的马棚给踢倒了,还捎带把我妈的那匹老公马草莓也踢了个半死。And just before we got home, he’d about kicked the stable down and half-killed Strawberry, Ma’s old stallion.

这个短语中出现的霍布森,他的全名为托马斯霍布森。霍布森先生在英格兰的剑桥市拥有一个马棚。The Hobson in the expression was Thomas Hobson. Mister Hobson owned a stable of horses in Cambridge, England.

“出去寻找圣子”这句话唤起牧人跟随星星的指引来到耶稣降生的马棚。"Go and Find the Christ Child" evokes the shepherds' quest to follow the star to the manger where Jesus was born.

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他们缓步向马棚的后面走去看马蒂。内特四处寻找奥利弗能坐的东西。They walked slowly to the back of the barn to look at Maudie. Nate looked around for something Olive could sit on.

那天傍晚,华盛顿先生忙完农事,把马牵回马棚,然后来果园看他的樱桃树。That evening, President finishes his farm in Washington, led horses back sheds, and then to see the cherry tree orchard.

他们把马棚设在查理曼陵墓旁,借此来侮辱几年前在亚琛大教堂去世的查理曼。As a final insult they stabled their horses by the tomb of charlemagne--dead only a few years--in the cathedral of aachen.