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我建议乘机场交通车。I 'd suggest taking the limousine.

可是我建议您乘机场的交通车。But I'd suggest taking the limousine.

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我睡觉太晚了,没赶上早交通车。I got up too late to catch the early bus.

每小时都有一班机场交通车去市区,逢正点开出。There's an airport bus that goes into the city every hour.

每天有开往友谊宾馆的交通车办事。There is a limousine service to the Friendship Hotel every day.

您到艾奥瓦市可搭乘机场交通车,经大约距雪达•拉比兹20英里。You take a limousine to Iowa City, which is about 20 miles from Cedar Rapids.

汽油价格真是飙升啊,我还是觉得乘坐公共交通车比较划算。Cas price are going through the roof I think it's better to take public transportation.

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她改变了一下她在长凳子上的位置,以便能更好的通过一排排交通车来观察他。She altered her position on the bench, the better to observe him across the rows of traffic.

我们呼吸相同的空气,在相同的交通车坐著,看相同的电视,而且在相同的地球土地上走路。We breathe the same air , sit in the same traffic, see the same television, and walk the same earth.

运动员村外面的那些巴士是亚运村内的交通车,您可以坐那些巴士达到比赛场馆或者信息中心。The buses outside the Athletes Village are shuttle buses in the competitions venues or information centre.

这个设计要求在每个方向有三条交通车道和一条单线铁路线。The design requirements were for three lanes of vehicular traffic and a single rail line in each direction.

公园内交通基础设施的许多部分,从交通车到游道也都是如此,不尽如人意。The same goes for many parts of the parks' transportation infrastructure, from shuttle buses to hiking trails.

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许多人都反对移动式电话,特别是在如饭店,公共交通车等公共场所使用移动电话。A lot of people object to mobile phones, especially when they are used in public places like restaurants or on public transport.

哦,你可以很容易在机场外叫到出租车。不过我建议你乘机场交通车。它便宜很多,也差不多一样快。Oh, you can easily hail a cab right outside the terminal. But I'd suggest taking the limousine. It's a lot cheaper and almost as fast.

地铁方面,除站台层运营信息显示设施外,轨道交通车站内不得播放有声广告。Subway respect, outside showing establishment except information of platform layer operation, orbit must not broadcast phonic ad inside traffic station.

本文在总结国内外有关公交线网优化理论知识的基础上,对城市公共交通车线网络优化进行了深入细致的研究。This article summarizes both foreign and domestic theories on public transit network optimization, and studies the optimization of bus networks based on the theories.

交通便捷,距机场20分钟车程,到各旅游景点及市内的主要交通车均在门前停靠。酒店周围分布着许多供国内外游客品尝的美食街,消遣的各国风情酒吧,中高档购物商场。Our hotel is surrounded by mid to high class shopping malls, food streets with wide varieties of restaurants and eateries, and various themed pubs for locals and tourists.

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那个时候,玉门钻井工人是集中住大宿舍,乘交通车上井的,不像今天有野外营房住在井场附近。That time, the drilling workers of Yumen were concentrated to live in the big dormitories and went to the well sites by bus. It is not like today that there are field barracks near the well site.

公司将为员工提供完善的“五险一金”福利和在园区内提供宿舍,同时提供交通车往返主城区。The company will provide the welfare to employees in accdance with the relevant regulations issued by the city, meanwhile it will offer the dmity shuttle bus between Industrial park urban district.