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把发霉的心事交给流水,向远去的尘埃行个注目礼。The rotten heart to water, dust to be a disappearing eyes.

当他的手离开帧,脸上滚行注目礼。When his hand leaves the frame , the faces roll their eyes.

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当她摇摆着走在街上时,所有的男孩子都停下来对她行注目礼。As she waggled down the street, all the boys stopped to look at her.

接下来举行了奏国歌、升国旗、行对礼、行注目礼等仪式。Next, held the national anthem and flag, watching for such ceremonies.

在勘测这幅画时,我和我学生就荣获了不少古怪的注目礼。My student and I got lots of odd stares while we were inspecting the painting.

儿子们举起手向父亲致敬,一直行注目礼,直至他离开视线。And they lifted their hands in salutation, and watched him till he was gone from sight.

图为铁道部党组成员及部机关全体人员庄严地向国旗行注目礼。MOR Party Group members and the headquarter staffs watching the flag hoisting solemnly.

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Nancy不敢出门,因为她害怕人们对她703磅的体积行“注目礼”,她经常上网,发现自己可以很容易地在网上和不能看到她的人交朋友。frame attracted, she went online and found she could easily make friends with people who couldn't see her.

升国旗,唱国歌,少先队员行队礼,其他人员行注目礼,请全体敬礼。Secondly, raise the flag and sing the national anthem. The Young Pioneers and all the others please salute.

奏国歌,升国旗。少先队员行队礼,其他师生行注目礼。Play the national anthem, and raise the flag. The young pioneers salute with hands and the others with eyes.

除了持续受到陌生人的注目礼,克里斯蒂娜目前还没有一个爱她这样奇怪长相的男朋友。Despite constant staring from strangers, Kristina, who has never had a boyfriend, loves her bizarre appearance.

有时侯觉得自己真的挺大胆耶,面对车站上好多人对我行注目礼,我仍然旁若无人地唱我的诗歌。I saw many persons looking at me with strange looks, but I still continued my own business by ignoring their gazes.

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一名仪仗队员立正并向穿过红场的导弹运载车行注目礼。An honour guard stands to attention as missile carriers rumble through Red Square, Moscow, in a return of the Victory Day parade.

热浪退去了,星星出齐了,对我们调皮的行注目礼,月亮也笑眯眯的望着我们。Heat waves receded, and the stars out of Qi, and for our naughty with eyes ceremony, the moon is also smiling for counting on us.

当这个世界第193个国家的国旗在其新首都徐徐上升的时候,朱巴市民和外国贵宾纷纷行注目礼。Citizens along with a number of foreign dignitaries watched as the flag of the world's 193rd country was raised in its new capital.

留华的韩国女学生柳玉晶,穿起色彩豔丽的韩国传统服装,走在台北中正纪念堂,引来了许多注目礼。This overseas student from Korea attracted some stares when she visited the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in her traditional costume.

但如果别人向他们致礼,他们也用相应的礼节,比如握手、点头、拥抱、行注目礼等。If but others causes gift to them , they also use corresponding courtesy , for instance , shaking hands , giving permission , embracing , saluting with eye and so on.

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花苹和大树拖着行李走在路上招来不少注目礼,大树抱怨花苹过份招摇,花苹却自信周遭都只是艳羡目光。Take apple and trees dragging baggage on the road caused a lot of attention, the tree complained that apple too obtrusive, flowers around apple has confidence just envy of vision.