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难怪这里被称为人神共居的伊甸园。No wonder it is called the "Paradise Inhabited by Men and Gods".

我和福尔摩斯已经在贝克街共居多年了。Holmes and I had been sharing room in Baker Street for some years.

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老实说,我真的实在不愿意与传教士的家庭共居一所。To be honest, I really didn't want to stay with "the preacher's family".

中国夫妇一旦结了婚,便不再会选择与父母共居一个屋檐下。Once Chinese couples have married, they no longer choose to live with parents at home.

与自己所爱的人共居野外,是最完美和自由的生活。And to live out of doors with the woman a man loves is of all lives the most complete and free.

房间共居程度复杂的失智症患者,其与记忆和行为问题正相关。The memory and behavior problems should be in direct proportion, with the complexity of room-sharing.

并在长期的共居生活中,互相借鉴、吸收,从文化上形成整合与共享。By assimilating in each other, they has taken shape ethnic groups' melting, cultural integration and enjoyment together.

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咫尺之遥,上帝与佛祖共同将光辉撒向这片人神共居的世外之地,如此垂青,令人倾羡。It seemed that both God and Buddha spread the same splendor and blessing to this piece of land, making it so much admired.

当我逐渐长大而不能与我的兄弟共居一个卧室时,他在地面上敲入新的木桩,用来测量新建房的地基。When I became too old to share a bedroom with my brother, he pounded wooden stakes into the ground to measure the new foundation.

这个运动以民族关系与人地关系等两大关系的重建为切入点,以“和平共居”为目标。With the aim to construct a community of peaceful living, they mainly took on two reforms in national relation and human-land relation.

并指出特别是在蒙汉等民族共居的社区中,水的利用和治理也反映了民族间的关系。In particular, the author maintains that water usage and administration reflects ethnic relationship in the areas co-populated by Mongolians and Hans.

许多初来乍到的非洲人会在这一片城中村停留,与几人或者数十人共居一室,在这里开始他们的“淘金生活”。Many Africans coming to China for the first time will stay here, living with several or even over a dozen people in a room, beginning their "gold rush" here.

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开平民间信仰文化最显著的特色是信仰虔诚,人神共居,中西融合。The most striking features of Kaiping s folk culture of beliefs are piety, cohabitation of gods with humans, and combination of Chinese and western cultures.

这个区域呈现掠夺者和被捕食者间的脆弱关系,有巨大掠夺者鲨鱼、魟鱼、与鱼群共居的大石斑鱼和海底动物。This zone shows the fragile relationship between predators and prey. Large predatory sharks, rays and giant groupers live alongside schools of fish and bottom-dwelling animals.