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这是张多么美好的大饼。This is piece of how good flat bread.

鼠老三采来一把五彩缤纷的野花,一朵朵摆在大饼上。Rat three put on some flower to the coke.

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但不该把它相当份额一片我大饼。Share it fairly but dont take a slice of my pie.

鲜美大饼面包,并不如甜面包作为西葫芦。Tasty bannock bread, not as sweet as zucchini bread.

我是包在空心大饼里的谜中谜。I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pita.

要她吃完如此一个大饼是不可能的,对不?It is impossible for her to eat up such a big cake, isn't it?

不过,也有人认为从事这是一块大饼。However, some people think that engaging in such is a piece of pie.

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当大伟手下说是天豪的人闹的事,顿时大饼犹豫起来。When Davids tianhao people make things, immediately pie to hesitate.

他们的世界极为奢华,也是饭店赌场想要争夺的一块大饼。There is a world of luxury where hotel-casinos compete for their business.

从酒店市场细分看,在线旅行社们从这块大饼中为自己拿到了可口的一份。In our market segmentation, the OTAs have carved out a healthy slice of the pie.

饼确实是硬的,是我从酒店里带回来的一块大饼。Indeed, the cake was hard. A big ma'moul that I brought with me from the tavern.

不一会儿,一个男子也带来一个大饼干,那饼干把汽车的行李箱挤得满满的。A little later,a man came along with a biscuit which occupied the whole boot of his car.

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奢华品牌需要相当努力来确保自己能拥有全世界的消费大饼中的一块。Luxury brands are working hard to secure themselves a piece of the world's biggest consumer pie.

她们几乎买不起蔬菜和水果来调剂一下由扁豆米饭和大饼构成的主食。They could scarcely afford vegetables and fruit to supplement dull meals of lentils and flatbread.

饭毕,大饼离去并且告诉手下不可找火锅店的麻烦,并且要常照顾生意。Of the meal, pie left and tell men cannot find hotpot restaurant trouble, and will always take care of business.

原来17年前大饼还在队里训练时有一次偷跑出去,而身为分队长的天豪在后面追。Original pie in the team training of 17 years ago with a steal ran out, and a day hao chase after his commander.

哎,像妈妈那样擀皮好难啊,我实在学不会最后我就像擀大饼一样擀了饺子皮。Ah, like mother rolling skin good hard ah, I really can't learn in the end I like rolling pie rolling the wrappers.

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但是我们厨师之一已经准备了包括当地小红莓,大饼面包,驯鹿以及白鱼在内的美味佳肴。But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish.

大饼叫来跟踪大伟的两个保镖,让他们两个带自己去见今天夜市里大伟遇见的那个女孩。Bannock call have to keep track of two bodyguards, they went to see two belt dawei met the girl in the night market today.

结果两人遇见大饼的仇家,对方扬言要杀掉大饼,天豪出手击倒对方救了大饼一命。Result two people meet the bannock foe, the other party threatened to kill the pie, tianhao saved bannock life to knock outs.