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相反我们用一种技术叫“视差”。Instead we use a technique called "parallax.

这是一个如何使用视差动效的示例。Project with example of how to use the parallax.

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视差测量恒星的概念很简单。The concept of parallax measurements of the stars is simple.

时间视差法是近景摄影测量中的一种方法。The time-parallax is a method of close-range photogrammetry.

保证零视差的设备的设置也非常重要。The zero parallax setting is also important to the experience.

别忘了让被摄主体保持在视差纠正线之内。Do not forget to keep the subject within the parallax correction mark.

视差屏障被调节为可在平行方向区别人的两个眼睛。The parallax barrier is tuned to the horizontal separation between the human eyes.

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面向的是基于视差照明、双图像显示方式的自由立体显示器。Autostereoscopic display is based on parallax illumination and double-image display.

现在,让我们通过几幅截图来演示下视差贴图的作用有限的原因。Now, let's demonstrate why parallax mapping is useless in practise with a few pictures.

提出了一种基于视差空间的双目视觉里程计算法。An approach based on disparity space to a binocular visual odometry system is presented.

针对视差图的处理,给出了全局平滑和非边缘区域平滑两种视差图的处理方法。Global filtering and non-edge region filtering are employed to smooth the disparity map.

通过对图中所有极线进行上述操作,可以得到所求的视差图。The depth map can be acquired through performing the above operation on the all epipolar lines.

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这项技术近似模拟了观察点相对于粗糙的表面移动时的视差。This technique approximates the parallax seen when moving the eye relative to an uneven surface.

如果你不知道什么是视差凹凸贴图,而且不需要高亮贴图,那就跳过这一步吧。If you don't know what parallax mapping is, and don't need a specular map, skip this step completely.

本发明提出一种消除多视点立体图像垂直视差的技术。The invention provides a technique for eliminating vertical parallax of multi-viewpoint stereo image.

描述了基于双眼视差原理的三维空间定位系统。Based on stereo disparity, a vision system for locating three-dimensional position is described in the paper.

示数观测镜是用于光装工位的平视显示器视差调校设备,精确方便。As an equipment for the adjustment and correction of HUD parallax, reading indicator is accurate and convenient.

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因为任何视差效果都依赖于视点,所以就需要一个从表面到视点的向量。Since any parallax effect depends on point of view, a vector from a point on the surface to the eye is required.

太阳视差的测定现代已采用雷达和激光技术取得了更好的采用值。The sun parallax measurement has been used in modern radar and laser technology to achieve a better use of the value.

从而得出空间任一点的深度可以通过其在对应视图间的视差来求得。The depth information for any object point can be calculated with its disparity between corresponding viewpoint images.