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估计每个人都听说过盲人摸象的故事。Anybody ever hear of the story of the blind men and the elephant?

佛陀曾经讲过一个盲人摸象的故事。The Buddha once told the story of the blind men and the elephant.

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这就像盲人摸象,一大群盲人在观察一只大象。It's like examining, a lot of blind people looking at an elephant.

在经济学观念问题上,我们仍是盲人摸象。We are still, to a large extent, flying blind in conceptual terms.

就像盲人摸象,每个人都只看了不同的一部分。Each sees a different part, like the blind men patting an elephant.

如果你对过去不够了解,那么对未来的预测自然是盲人摸象一般。When you don’t know past trends, predicting the future is a wide-open game.

杯子儿童剧团以萤光木偶演出成语故事「盲人摸象」。The Cup Children's Theater uses fluorescent marionettes to act out the story of the blind men and the elephant.

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一百多年以来,我们对佛教的研究,在很多方面来说,正像这一出盲人摸象。The study of Buddhism over the past century or so has resembled the encounter of the blind men and the elephant in many ways.

像你这样东读一点,西背一点地记单词,就像盲人摸象,是学不好英语的。If you just read a little here and memorize a few words there, it's like the blind feeling an elephant, you'll never learn English well.

不了解事情的前因后果,总是去猜测,就像盲人摸象,解决不了问题。Without finding cause and effect for something and always guessing is like the blind feeling an elephant, and will not solve the problem.

试图从源代码调用中看出这些高级概念就像是盲人摸象。Trying to see these high-level concepts from source code calls to mind the famous image of blindfolded people trying to understand an elephant solely by touch.

盲人摸象即属于认识论的触觉中心主义,即不仅以触觉作为手段而且是以触觉作为思考问题的主导。The phenomena in " Six Blind Men and an Elephant" belongs to the haptocentrism of epistemology, i. e. touch is used not only as method but also guidance in problem thinking.

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具有全球战略眼光便成为管理层的重中之重,否则管理者们只会盲人摸象更无从知晓自己和公司所面临的一切。An international perspective has become central to management. Without it managers are operating in ingorance and cannot undetstand what is happening to them and their firms.

因为我们都是整体结构的一个很小的部分,我们每个人所做的工作有时候也真有点类似于盲人摸象,我们也许只能够说出其中的一部分感觉。Because we all are a little part of the whole construction, the work we each person does sometimes like taking a part for the whole as well. Perhaps we only can say part of feelings.