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热火在第一节结束后取得30比16的领先。The Heat led 30-16 after one quarter.

我需要的疯丫头热火申请疯丫头?Do I need the Minx Heat to apply Minx?

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热火限量珍藏版的一部分。Part of the MIA Limited Edition Collection.

有些人就是喜欢看世界热火燃烧啊。Some men just like to watch the world burn.

热火打出了配合,而小牛祭出了防守。Miami ran plays and the Mavs played defense.

扑灭了热火!淹死了其他人。Which beats the Heat! And drowns everybody else.

火箭看来一定是热火的扫把星。The Rockets must be a bad luck charm for the Heat.

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迈阿密热火韦德和马里奥查默斯。The Miami Heat have Dwyane Wade and Mario Chalmers.

庆祝大会开得真热火!The celebration meeting was held with great enthusiasm.

热火-1X号助推器在一次测试中被拍摄到的火焰喷射。The HEAT-1X booster shoots a jet of flame during a test.

如果埃里克-斯波尔斯特拉不再是热火主教练,谁可能是呢?If Erik Spoelstra is not the coach of the Heat, who will be?

我们都知道周日的对手是迈阿密热火,所以没的说,训练和锻炼。We know we got the Heat on Sunday, so practice and workouts.

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热火并没有锻炼任何人,查尔默斯也许能算个例外。The Heat didn't do that with anyone, except maybe Mario Chalmers.

小皇帝为何甘愿俯首称臣,跑到迈阿密辅佐热火老大韦德?Why to kneel dances, ran to the Miami heat boss wade affairs. this?

沙奎尔·奥尼尔为迈阿密热火效力期间不乏美好时光。There were good times when Shaquille O'Neal played for the Miami Heat.

韦德也将首次和詹姆斯,克里斯·波什同场效力热火。Wade's first time with James and Chris Bosh as his Heat running mates.

但是,如果热火能够团结起来,迅速建立起良好的团队合作,那才有可能拿到总冠军。But, if Miami can unite, and build quickly, they might be able to do it.

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女人可以待在家里,远离战争的屠刀和热火。Ladies may stay at home, away from the blood of battle and the heat of war.

实际上,与热火对位时,在纸面上,大多数对位对小牛队有利。Actually, on paper, the majority of the matchups against Miami favor the Mavs.

热火的节奏歌曲,可能比专辑中的任何歌曲都要节奏强劲。A blistering rhythm track that probably hits harder than any song on the album.