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接受失败。Accept defeat.

我接受这些了。I accept that.

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接受绝地武士的训练。Jedi training.

接受这个事实。Accept this fact.

接受我的状态。I accept my state.

我正在接受教育。I am being educated.

我接受了植发。I had hair implants.

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我要接受哪份工作?Which Job Do I Take?

我接受所有责难。I took all the blame.

我们接受您的条件。We accept your terms.

你流动,你接受。You flow. You accept.

你连小玩笑也无法接受?Can't you take a joke?

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我是怎么接受他的?How may I receive Him?

我希望他会接受邀请。I hope he will accept.

它接受一些选项。It takes some options.

或是会被接受?Or are they desirable?

我们空白接受鄙视。Our blank in scorning.

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最后许斌接受了这份工作。Prof. Xu took the job.

她拒不接受王位。She refused the crown.

我们接受信用卡。We accept credit card.