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不再有借口或疑虑。No buts or maybes.

他的疑虑涣然冰释。All his misgivings vanished.

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我对自己能力的疑虑怎么想的?What self-doubts do I harbor?

一切疑虑现在都烟消云散了。All doubts have now dissipated.

他的劝解打消了我的疑虑。His advice satisfied my doubts.

我疑虑地瞥了他一眼。I glanced at him questioningly.

他最好很快消解疑虑。He had better disabuse them soon.

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我满腹疑虑,痛苦万分。I was racked with doubt and pain.

或许可以,但我有自己的疑虑。Perhaps so, but I have my doubts.

她消除心中的疑虑。She dismissed doubts from her mind.

这封信消除了我们的各种疑虑。This letter resolved all our doubts.

他头脑中还是有些疑虑。Some doubt still subsists in his mind.

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“他是谁?”嘉莉疑虑地问道。"Who is he?" asked Carrie. doubtfully.

让我来消除你们的疑虑吧Let me now put you out of your suspense.

他的疑虑和犹豫令人厌烦。His doubts and hesitations were tiresome.

消除他们的疑虑是有可能的。It is possible to liquidate their doubts.

看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!Yet prodigal inward joy. Behold, I erred.

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兰德尔?史蒂芬森没有时间疑虑。RANDALL STEPHENSON has no time for doubts.

或者至少对这样的做法没有太多的疑虑?Or at least have fewer qualms about doing so?

对他的目的你心里不存疑虑吧?There's no doubt in your mind about his aim ?