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我们只是阴影幢幢。And we are only shadow.

你们就都在阴影里哭吧!All you cry in a shadow!".

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埋在下一个山谷的阴影中。In the next valley-glades.

阴影区表示西风带。Shaded areas are westerlies.

增加剪彩条所有的阴影部分。Add the shadows on the ribbon.

把你的阴影落在日规上Lay thy shadow on the sundials

那有阴影的地方呢?What about that shadowy place?

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把你的阴影落在日规上。Lay the shadow on the sundials.

把你的阴影投放在日规上。Lay thy shadow on the sundials.

那阴影固定不动了。The shadow remained stationary.

牌面是否有阴影。Whether the tiles have shadows.

它将同性恋从阴影中带了出来。It brings it out of the shadows.

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有阳光处也必有一些阴影。No sunshine but has some shadow.

也会随机的添加阴影。Also optionally add drop-shadows.

他在画稿上添衬上阴影。He fills in a sketch with shadow.

灯光使用共线跟踪阴影。Light uses the raytraced shadows.

有阳光就一定会有阴影。No sunshine but bath some shadow.

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阴影是可触的藻草。Shadows are touchable water weeds.

黎塞的阴影是马萨林。The shade of Richelieu was Mazarin.

蚊子摇晃在瓶子的阴影里。Gnats toss in the shadow of a bottle.