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蜜源植物资源是人类的宝贵财富。The nectar plants are precious wealth to mankind.

蜂蜜的气味和色泽随蜜源的不同而不同。Smell and color of honey vary with source of honey.

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你想知道蜜蜂是如何告诉同伴蜜源的位置吗?You wonder how honeybees tell each other where to find food?

蜜蜂主要采集一种蜜源植物的花蜜或分泌物酿造的蜂蜜。The honey made by collecting nectar or secretion of one kind of honey source plant.

杭州天厨蜜源保健品有限公司以诚信、稳健、负责、信誉为原则。For more than 20 years, sincerity, stability, responsibility and honor are our principles.

我国蜜源资源十分丰富,发展规模化养蜂势在必行。China is very rich in bee resources, the development of large-scale beekeeping is imperative.

三种蜜源植物均能增加果园生物多样性,提高果园生态系统的稳定性。The Honey plants can increase the species diversity and improve the stability of the orchard.

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本文运用电子计算机对蜜源植物花粉进行了数量分类研究。By using computer, this paper makes a numerical taxonomy study for nectariferous plants pollen.

结果表明系统聚类方法应用于蜜源植物花粉的分类是有效的。We believe that it is effective to apply system clustering method to the taxonomy of the pollen.

规模化养蜂能大幅度提高蜂产品质量,充分利用蜜源资源,以规模要效益。Large-scale beekeeping can greatly improve the quality of bee products and make full use of bee resources.

苍山地区是世界物种多样性的关键地区之一,蜜源植物十分丰富。Cangshan mountain area is one of the key regions of the species persity in the world and is plentiful of the nectar plants.

苍山地区是世界物种多样性的关键地区之一,蜜源植物十分丰富。Cangshan mountain area is one of the key regions of the species diversity in the world and is plentiful of the nectar plants.

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今天,一个中等规模的商店会出售产自美国的40到50种不同类型、风味和蜜源的蜂蜜。Today, a fair-sized store will offer 40 to 50 different types, flavors and sources of honey out of the estimated 300 different honeys made in the U.

根据德国动物学家弗里希对蜜蜂舞蹈行为的研究成果,提出了基于蜜蜂舞蹈的蜜源定位模型。According to German zoologist Frisch s research on honeybees dance behavior, brought forward nectar source localization model based on honeybee dance.

经初步鉴定,在22种蜜源植物上共捕捉38种访花昆虫,其中双翅目、膜翅目为主要访花尾虫。After the preliminary appraisal, 38 species of pollinators were caught on 22 kinds of nectar source plants, diptera and hymenoptera were the main pollinators.

经初步鉴定,在22种蜜源植物上共捕捉38种访花昆虫,其中双翅目、膜翅目为主要访花昆虫。After the preliminary appraisal, 38 species of pollinators were caught on 22 kinds of nectar source plants, diptera and hymenoptera were the main pollinators.

我国是世界上最大的蜂产品生产和出口国,在全球蜂产品贸易中占有十分重要的地位。而这得益于我国丰富的蜜源植物资源。Due to the abundance in nectar plants resource, China plays so significant a role in the bee-products tradition as the largest producing and exporting country.

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沼泽地是纤维植物、药用植物、蜜源植物的天然宝库,是珍贵鸟类、鱼类栖息、繁殖和育肥的良好场所。Swamp is fiber plants, medicinal plants, nectar source of the natural treasure house, are precious birds, fish habitat, breeding and fattening the good places.

根据黄河三角洲地区蜜源植物的现状,指出利用蜜源植物发展养蜂业具有广阔的发展前景和可观的经济效益。Based on the current situation of honey plants on the Delta, it is of a vast range of prospects and considerable economic performance to develop apiculture in this area.

蜜蜂采集两种或两种以上蜜源植物的花蜜或分泌物酿造的蜂蜜,以及两种或两种以上单一植物蜂蜜的混合物。The honey made by collecting nectar or secretion from two or more than two kinds of honey source plants, or the mixture of two or more than two kinds of unifloral honey.