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这部电影以鲁迅的小说为蓝本。The film ___a novel by Lu Xun.

美声唱法成了中国声乐教学的蓝本。It is the blueprint of the teaching of vocal music in China.

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和FC1,中国以前苏联中止的一项设计为蓝本制造的。and the FC1, which China modeled on an aborted Soviet design.

郑珍在创作上始终以杜诗为蓝本绝非偶然。Zheng Zhen always writing to Du Fu as a model was not accidental.

根据谢旺霖同名畅销小说改编,真人真事为蓝本。According to Xie Wanglin's best-selling novel, based on the reality.

以“西游记”为蓝本的乐园将融合中华民族的各种传说和神话故事。The theme park would incorporate a range of Chinese legends and myths.

福谷是以“小溪农场”的超验主义者公社为蓝本的。Blithedale is modeled on the transcendentalist community at brook farm.

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霍夫曼的几部小说都被用作了歌剧和芭蕾舞剧的蓝本。Several of Hoffmann's stories provided the basis for operas and ballets.

我的剧本大概算是改编剧本吧,因为它是以我的小说为蓝本的。Mine would be considered an adapted screenplay, since it’s based on my novel.

它那令人着迷的清晰被证明是数字化信息的最佳蓝本。Its obsessive clarity turns out to be theperfect basis for digital information.

科比为他制定好了把球衣销售一空的蓝本,现在勒布朗决定实施它。Kobe gave him the blueprint for selling out stock, and now LeBron’s embraced it.

这一季以第一季为蓝本,使用了新的入场信用模式。This episode marks the first episode where a new introductory credits style is used.

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除消除宝石外,玩家更可收集金币、地图和以真实的稀世珠宝为蓝本的特别宝石。Apart from clearing gems, players are able to collect gold coins, maps and the rarest jewels.

英国天才设计师多米尼克·维尔克斯,以自己的脸为蓝本,用锡箔纸制作了3D局部肖像。a talented British designer, made detailed 3D replica of his own face out of regular tin foil.

这一计划,对后来的肯尼迪政府产生了深远影响,成为多边核力量计划的蓝本。The plan had much influence on the Kennedy Administration, and it was the blueprint of the MLF.

达斯·维德向帕尔帕丁皇帝、米尔汀·塔科,以及索龙展示第二死星的蓝本。Darth Vader presents Emperor Palpatine, Miltin Takel, and Thrawn plans for the second Death Star.

达斯·维德向帕尔帕丁皇帝、米尔汀·塔科,以及索龙展示第二死星的蓝本。Darth Vader presents Emperor Palpatine, Miltin Takel, and Thrawn with plans for the second Death Star.

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这些合作社以农村电力合作社为蓝本,将提供医疗保险,与私营保险商竞争。Modeled on rural electric co-ops, these would offer health insurance to compete with private carriers.

以准对称耦合量子阱为蓝本,利用此优化原则,对其结构进行优化。Using the optimization principles, the structure of quasi-symmetric coupled quantum-well is optimized.

哈比卜布尔吉巴大街上,巴黎的香榭丽舍大道为蓝本,是封锁了坦克和装甲车。Avenue Habib Bourguiba, modeled on Paris' Champs-Elysées, was cordoned off by tanks and armored trucks.