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1979年12月14日,安达市更名为大庆市,由黑龙江省直辖。December 14, 1979, Anda renamed Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province by the Territory.

沙巴民主行动党于周末在纳闽联邦直辖区进行新选民登记活动。Sabah DAP is in the FT Labuan for the weekends to register new voters. Sabah DAP Chief YB Dr.

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香港回归祖国之后,设立直辖与人民政府特别行政区。A special administrative region directly under the entral government is set up in Hong Kong upon its return.

顺天府由中央直辖,与直隶总督并无统属关系。Shuntian Prefecture was subordinated by central authority and had no relationship of command with Zhili viceroy.

另外﹐在联邦直辖区法令下﹐唯一在吉隆坡市区内拥有执行权力的人是吉隆坡市长。Further more, under the Federal Capital Act the only person that has executive power in Kuala Lumpur is the Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur.

西元1475年,亚美尼亚人把加尔瓦略山的拥有直辖权转让给方济各会士,会士们在该处建造一座“被钉于十字架”殿堂。By 1475 the Armenians ceded their rights on Calvary to the Franciscans who placed an altar creating the Chapel of the Nailing to the Cross.

在1826年建立了英属海峡殖民地的英国直辖殖民地,并且英国的控制扩张至其余的半岛。The British Crown Colony of the Straits Settlements was established in 1826, and Britain increased its control over the rest of the peninsula.

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及至清代,具有直辖城市特点的陪都盛京创置后,沈阳城迅速发展为东北最大的中心城市。However, after the Shengjing-Co-Capital was established in Qing dynasty, Shenyang developed rapidly into a metropolis in the Northeast of China.

在隋朝的大力扶持下,突厥启民政权在内蒙古建立。这个政权直辖于隋朝中央政府。Supported by the Sui Dynasty, Qimin Khan established his regime in Inner Mongolia, which was directly under the jurisdiction of the Sui Dynasty.

西马来西亚与泰国和新加坡为邻,共分为九个由世袭苏丹管辖的州、两个由州长管辖的州与两个联邦直辖区。West Malaysia shares a border with Thailand and Singapore, and is made up of nine sultanates , two states with governors and two federal territories.

一项酝酿已久的阴谋论称,奥巴马之父是肯尼亚人,所以奥巴马降生于世上时就是个东非英国直辖殖民地的国民。A long brewing conspiracy theory has it that Barack Obama entered this world as a subject of the British crown in East Africa because his father was Kenyan.

由于人口的不断增加和新土地的开发,19世纪,另外五个大的自治英国直辖殖民地已被成功建立。As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were successively established over the course of the 19th century.

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我们记者又说,血腥星期日预定使北爱政府于1972年3月暂停运作,导致数十年由伦敦直辖.Our correspondent also said Bloody Sunday set in train the suspension of the Northern Ireland government in March 1972, which led to the decades of direct rule from London.

文章在分析直辖后重庆城镇化建设的主要绩效和存在问题的基础上,提出了新时期推进重庆城镇化进程的建议。In this paper, we proposed suggestions for accelerating urbanization in Chongqing in the new period based on the analysis of urbanization situation and problems in Chongqing.

红石国际艺术砖是东升企业的直辖品牌,红石艺术砖材料以石英为基材,添加了部分其他矿物成分复合而成。Red rock International Art brick is a direct jurisdiction brand of DONGSHENG Company. The red rock brick is made from quartz as the backing material and added some other mineral components.

德国毕维银行于1871年建立斯图加特,我们是作为发行钞票的银行,一年后我们迁移到曼海姆作为大公国公爵直辖领地的发行钞票银行。In 1871, we are founded in Stuttgart as the note-issuing bank of the Kingdom of Württemberg. One year later, we were founded in Mannheim as the note-issuing bank for the Grand Duchy of Baden.

香港作为直辖于中央人民政府的一个特别行政区,根据宪法和基本法的规定,开始实施“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治。The economic and trade relations between the Hong Kong SAR and the mainland have been carried out in accordance with the norms and the practices of international trade and economic relations.

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三峡工程启动和重庆直辖以后,针对成渝关系、成渝经济带发展等问题曾引起广泛的讨论。After the three Gorges booting and Chongqing becoming municipality, there were broad discussion about relation between Chengdu and Chongqing and development of economic belts of Chengdu and Chongqing.